Persist meaning in hindi
As noun : डटे रहना Ex:  This would persist into World War One.
As verb :
अडजाना Ex:  The policeman began persist questioning of the oosted minister in connection with scam. दृढ रहना Ex:  While competing forms of Christianity would persist through the fifth century बना रहना Ex:  Common-sense tells us that objects persist across time
Other : अड़ना Ex:  All of these substances persist in the environment अड़ जाना Ex:  Winter driving conditions persist from November through March. आग्रह करना Ex:  Cooler conditions persist at mid-elevation slopes, between 3900 to 5500 feet . दृढ़ रहना Ex:  Some of the dances are ancient and, to a certain extent, persist today. लगा रहना Ex:  Some countries persist in basing their law on religious texts. लगे रहना Ex:  HCV antibodies from the mother may persist in infants until 15 months of age. हठ करना Ex:  Several stories persist regarding the origin of the name "Garland".
ExamplesUsage of Persist in sentences
The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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