Personally meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Personally
As noun : व्यक्तिगत रुप से Ex:  The title Head of the Commonwealth is held by the Queen personally
As adverb :
असालतन Ex:  Xie had to personally accept the flag as the highest-ranking officer present. खुद Ex:  Appearing personally before the United Nations General Assembly उ:   वह अपने बूते खुद अपना राज्य स्थापित कर लेगा। मैँ Ex:  Barbelin personally prepared the first American Sodality Manual व्यक्तिगत रूप से Ex:  Between 1718 and 1734 Sicily was ruled personally by Charles VI from Vienna श्र्वज Ex:  He personally oversaw the remastering of all his 1960s सेँ Ex:  Gierek went to Gdańsk and met the workers personally
Other : निज Ex:  Although personally popular उ:   जनता निज आराध्य वीर को, पर लेती पहचान। व्यक्तिश- Ex:  Claudius personally judged many of the legal cases tried during his reign. स्वंय Ex:  Heraclius personally executed Phocas. उ:   यहां भगवान सूर्य ने स्वंय स्नान किया था। स्वयं Ex:  It is speculated that Alexander personally treated Demades उ:   उन्होंने स्वयं कहा मैं हूँ। स्वय‌ं Ex:  Though he was not personally interested in religious reform
Personally ki paribhasha : kisi vastu ko chhaan lene ya saaph kar lene par nikamma bacha hua bhaag
Usage of Personally in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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