Personnel meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Personnel
As noun : अपित्व Ex:  Army personnel are not allowed to leave on the base.
ऐडमिरल्टी Ex:  An army personnel sent a telegraph to the front. करणीगर Ex:  assigned personnel कर्मचारी वर्ग Ex:  Even though many RCAF personnel served with the RAF, No. कर्मचारी विभाग Ex:  This was at a time when more than ten thousand Air National Guard personnel कर्मचारी संबंधी Ex:  German, and Japanese personnel further compounded the problem. कर्मचारी संबन्धी Ex:  The United States military personnel have left कार्यकर्ता Ex:  It involved the mobilization of over 100 million military personnel उ:   सीगर की पत्नी तोषी एक सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता थीं। कृंतत्र Ex:  German and Japanese officials and personnel were prosecuted for war crimes. डिवीजन Ex:  The main purpose of the military personnel is to operate a LORAN-C base. उ:   नया जिला केंद्रीय प्रांतों के नागपुर डिवीजन का हिस्सा था। दंडानीक Ex:  The reforms began in personnel changes नजामत Ex:  Mexico's military strength includes 503,777 total personnel पार्टिशन Ex:  While American military personnel can be awarded the Legion of Merit पीस Ex:  Bush said 5,700 personnel would be home by Christmas 2007 उ:   आदि मानव गेहूं के दानों को भिगोकर, पत्थर पर पीस लेता था। वर्गणा Ex:  Battery personnel included not only gun crews विभाग Ex:  Many Nigerien military personnel receive training in France उ:   यह द्वीप फ्रांस का एक ओवरसीज़ विभाग है। व्यावर्ग Ex:  Air force personnel total about 700 शौबा Ex:  The population of Ann Arbor exploded with an influx of military personnel ह्रित Ex:  U.S. personnel were counted by guards.
Other : अमला Ex:  He is working in the personnel department. कर्मचारी लोग Ex:  I was referring to the personnel department . कर्मचारीगण Ex:  He wrote:Knowing the personnel कार्मिक Ex:  Dozens of Bath citizens and law enforcement personnel testified before the jury उ:   उद्योगों में कार्मिक चयन हेतु साक्षात्कार का प्रचलन रहा है।
Personnel ki paribhasha : bich bich men rngin soot mila gotedaar kapad kachahari ya daphtar men kaam karanevaala baaantane ko kriya ya bhaav
Usage of Personnel in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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