Pet meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Pet
As noun : अक्षमा Ex:  My pet dogs forefoot bruised in an accident.
Kangaroos hop without using their forefeet.
अनकाम Ex:  Cow is a pet animal . अनत्व Ex:  My pet bitch has given birth to two male and three female pups. अभिरक्त Ex:  My pet dog pricked up his ears as it heard a sound. अभिरुप Ex:  A dog with a collar is treated as a pet dog by the municipality. अलकलड़ैता Ex:  Alas,my pet is dead,she exclaimed with grief. अलकसलोरा Ex:  He fondled his pet dog . आवुस Ex:  His pet name is Kittu. इष्टजन Ex:  I have got a pet dog. उशत् Ex:  My pet pomerian yaps at my friends when they come to meet me. कत्ताल Ex:  He is a pet fancier. चितचोर Ex:  Sally is the teacher's pet . जोष्य Ex:  Most pet birds outside Australia are the south-eastern form. झुँझलाहट Ex:  Vegetable oil is used in production of some pet foods. झुँझायों Ex:  The remaining 10 percent is found in pet food. झोँझल Ex:  Named for the pet beagle of Watterson's wife's family दुलरुवा Ex:  Wittgenstein affectionately referred to her by the pet name "old man". दुलारा Ex:  He is the pet of a carpenter named Jumpman . उ:   मानव जाति की सबसे दुलारा संपत्ति के बीच रहेगा। दौरा Ex:  He would be the pet of the main character, "a funny, hang-loose kind of guy". उ:   दिल का दौरा किसी को कभी भी हो सकता है। पसंद का Ex:  Ace the Bat-Hound, Batman's pet dog पालतू पशु Ex:  They used to have a pet poodle, Bela . पियड़ा Ex:  There are also major overpopulation problems with other pet species पिरो Ex:  Having a pet may help people achieve health goals प्रणाय्य Ex:  He said proper Stick used cane to pet drivers in Africa, and more generally a Trique whose uses to hit प्राणअधार Ex:  Hunting The wolf droppings and other pet peeves प्राणकांत Ex:  It will do what you want, it's pet beast प्राणनाथ Ex:  Pig, which fattens pet to eat and that between the flesh and skin fat called Lard उ:   प्राणनाथ ने इस अंचल को रत्नगर्भा होने का वरदान दिया था। प्राणपति Ex:  Small pet the kind of Martres, which is used to make rabbits, which the continues and will look for them in their burrows प्रिय व्यक्ति Ex:  This is said even pet likes to run प्रिय Ex:  This proof is her pet उ:   इनका प्रिय धातु पीतल माना जाता है। प्रियजन Ex:  Côte detached from a pet that was allowed to hold a certain amount of meat प्रियपात्र प्रीय प्रीव प्रेमपात्र प्रेमास्पद बालभु बेवाहा मधुमान् मनचाहना मनपसंद उ:   यहां से मनपसंद आभूषणों की खरीदारी की जा सकती हैं। मनभावता मीठ मुन्ना रुट् रुड् रोख ‡ रोष उ:   जनता का रोष बढ़ता चला गया। लड़ता उ:   वह लड़ता है, तो प्रतिबद्धता के लिए। लाड़लड़ैता लावण्यवान् वावात विप्रतिसार विशेष रूचिकर व्हाला सैए स्निग्धजन स्नेहपात्र हृदयवल्लभ हृदयाधिकारी
As verb : दुलारना Ex:  The Green Tree Frog is one of the most popular pet frogs throughout the world.
Other : आँख Ex:  Her pet got hurt at the rump.
A piece of mutton is cut from near the rump.
The mid- term election reduced the regional parties to a rump.
उ:   ये दिन उनकी आँख खुलने के थे।
चिडचिडाहट Ex:  He became sensitized to pet dander . चिड़चिड़ाहट Ex:  The other students don't like the teacher's pet . पालतु Ex:  The most common varieties found in pet stores are the English shorthair उ:   ज्यादा पालतु पशु रखने वाले गोमत कहलाते थे। पालतू या दुलारा Ex:  In D.H. Lawrence's "Women in Love" a pet rabbit is named Bismarck after him. पालतू Ex:  While in theory any animal might be a pet उ:   उनके प्रमुख पालतू पशु थे गाय, भेड़, बकरी और गधा। पाला हुआ भेड इत्यादि जानवर का बच्चा Ex:  A pet can be acquired from a pet store पाला हुआ भेड़ इत्यादि जानवर का बच्चा Ex:  See also pet adoption. लाड करना लाडला लाड‌़ला लाड़ करना लाड़ला
Pet ki paribhasha : uangaliyon ke saath khuli hui haath ki hatheli vah jo saadhaaran ke atirikt aur usase adhik ho prem ke kaaran bachchon ya premapaatron ko prasann karane ke liai unake saath anek prakaar ki cheshta karana baaans ki phattiyon, kaasa, mooanja, bent aadi ka bana hua tokara
Usage of Pet in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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