Petty meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Petty
As noun : अत्याहितकर्मा Ex:  the discouragement of petty theft
अप्रकांड Ex:  Life in the suburbs can be petty pedestrian. अरम Ex:  Give Lixinton fifteen dollars out of the petty cash. कठुर Ex:  He was going through the petty details. कमजर्फ Ex:  The petty theives cleared off as soon as they saw the police jeep. कुंड़कोल Ex:  The judge really came down on the petty crooks . कुच्छित, कुच्छित Ex:  Some sellers in the markets were petty vendors कुवा Ex:  After centuries of petty rivalry between the three kingdoms क्रूर Ex:  1861. The medal was "to be bestowed upon such petty officers उ:   गबरी के दानव पात्र क्रूर तथा दूसरों को कष्ट देने वाले होते हैं। गड्डामी Ex:  However, the police arrive and arrest Laszlo on a petty charge. गरीबामऊ Ex:  Architecture, decoration petty चमररग Ex:  By extension, petty Map छोटा मोटा Ex:  It also means Who is puny, petty जरार Ex:  It is sometimes accused reasonable people and efficient to be petty जुलवाना Ex:  It is too petty ढाँढा Ex:  Lead a life petty दहृ Ex:  The method petty नगरकाक Ex:  This figure is petty, is a petty character, is a dry drawing and petty निकृती Ex:  Young prisoners, minors of both sexes, imprisoned for crimes, misdemeanors or petty offenses, or by way of parental Correction निगुणा Ex:  MERCIER also expressed a pedlar who was going by the towns and villages to sell it any sort of petty goods निरधिन निरूच्छवास नीच पंक्तिदूषक परीत्त पावँर पाषाणहृदय बंबार बमनी बिड़ मानवर्जित म्लेच्छ रिप्र लघु उ:   नगरों में अधिकतर लघु उद्योग प्रचलित थे। लघुक लतखोरा वज्रहृदय विठंक वेरट व्युन्मिश्र श्रमण उ:   बौद्ध धर्म भारत की श्रमण परम्परा से निकला धर्म और दर्शन है । संकारी संकीरन ‡ संकीर्ण उ:   फल एक संकीर्ण पांच लोबेड चेन है। सकीर्न सटरपटर साँकड़भीड़ो साँकड़ि साहसैकरसिक सोदधित्व स्माल हतियारा हननशील हिंस्त्र हृदयशून्य हृस्व हेचकस ह्लस्वक
Other : ओछा Ex:  She had been pilfering from the petty cash for months. कम दरजे का Ex:  his bureaucratically petty behavior annoyed her क्षुद्र रोक Ex:  A faction of petty noblemen and commoners क्षुद्र Ex:  However, petty crime, such as pickpocketing and purse snatching, occurs. छिछोरा Ex:  Ideas petty छोटा-मोटा Ex:  It has a very petty furniture उ:   वह एक छोटा-मोटा आभूषण चुराने वाला चोर है। छोटा Ex:  It is said in the same direction petty Policy उ:   विश्व का सबसे छोटा साँप थ्रेड स्नेक होता है। टुच्चा Ex:  It means make it difficult for nothing, in a way petty haggling तुच्क्ष Ex:  Little nephew, grand- niece, cousin, cousin petty call themselves Nephews and second cousins तुच्छ Ex:  Ornaments of a desired taste, a taste petty उ:   बुद्ध के लिये मानव शरीर अति तुच्छ माना गया था। थोडा सा Ex:  Somehow petty थोड़ा सा Ex:  The manner of this painter, the composition of this painting is petty नगण्य या तुच्छ Ex:  The small world , People petty bourgeoisie, the small rentiers, etc ना Ex:  This man is very petty उ:   कृपया इसमें बदलाव ना करें। लघु रोक
Petty ki paribhasha : jo badai ya vistaar men kam ho hasta, ashvini aurn pushy ye tinon nakshatr jo jyotish men chhote maane gae hai aur jinaka gan laghugan kaha gaya hai phalit jyotish men vah sthaan jo kisi grah ke uchch sthaan se saatavaaan ho saahity men ek prakaar ka gady jisamen kuchh vrattigndhi aur kuchh avrattigndhi ka mel hota hai
Usage of Petty in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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