Pharynx meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Pharynx
As noun : ग्रसनी Ex:  In terms of anatomy, Soft palate, membranous partition located back of the roof of the mouth and helps to separate the mouth of the nasal cavity or pharynx उ:   ग्रासनली, ग्रसनी से जुड़ी तथा नीचे आमाशय में खुलने वाली नली होती है।
Other :
उदर में भोजन Ex:  Anatomy Pertaining to the pharynx जल इत्यादि के जाने की नलिका Ex:  Medicine inflammation of the tonsils, mucous membrane of the soft palate and pharynx फेरिक्स Ex:  Medicine pharynx inflammation
Usage of Pharynx in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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