Phase meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Phase
As noun : अंघ्रि Ex:  The first quarter is the brightest phase of the moon.
अंतर्दधन Ex:  in some species of coelenterate, polyps are a phase in the life cycle that alternates with a medusoid phase अधमांग Ex:  A non-inverting amplifier maintains the phase of the input signal waveforms. अभावरी Ex:  The current is in phase with the voltage applied to filter अवस्था Ex:  OneCommunity and Cisco officially launched the first phase in September 2006 उ:   इसी अवस्था को तुरीयावस्था या मोक्ष कहते हैं। आऊषा Ex:  In the initial growth phase the virus seems to move from cell to cell उपदेशता Ex:  During its brightest phase उलटन Ex:  It also depends on the Earth season and lunar phase उवठान Ex:  This culminated the first phase of a period of economic growth घुमनि Ex:  Excavation is the most expensive phase of archaeological research. चन्न Ex:  During this development phase चरचर Ex:  The first phase of the British High Speed 1 line चरण Ex:  During the last phase of the war उ:   उनके चरण चिह्न प्रतीक रूप में यहाँ मौजूद है। चर्न Ex:  At the phase transition region where liquid hydrogen becomes metallic चलवाई Ex:  During this phase of his career चुथाई Ex:  During its initial phase चुवावनि Ex:  During this early phase of infection चुसनि Ex:  Individuals who are in this phase are still infectious. चोथाई Ex:  The phase IIb and III trials were less promising जीवनतल Ex:  In the first phase of expansion झूलनि Ex:  BC embarked a phase of rapid economic development. तंत्रिमुख Ex:  Under the extended support phase तथाभाव Ex:  These topics feature in the first phase of his work तपम्विता Ex:  During this rapid growth phase धराव Ex:  During the intermediate phase पनोती Ex:  After this first Russian phase he turned to neoclassicism in the 1920s. परसनि Ex:  The addition of milk chills the beverage during the crucial brewing phase परिपक्वावस्था Ex:  During their helium-burning phase पहलू Ex:  This phase of operations lasted until February 7. Thereafter उ:   दशहरे का सांस्कृतिक पहलू भी है। प्रावस्था Ex:  When a system goes from one phase to another उ:   यह एक अतिद्रव प्रावस्था है। फरहरनि Ex:  This is a phase transition. फेरनि Ex:  The different phases of a system may be represented using a phase diagram. बसबास Ex:  Similar processes may occur on other types of phase boundaries. बाजनि Ex:  For a phase change to occur बिघनता Ex:  During a phase change however योजना बनाना Ex:  Upon the completion of the third phase in 2015 लसनि Ex:  Today this phase is known as Proto-Portuguese . वएस Ex:  Upon changing from one phase to another वस्थां Ex:  In the storyline's first phase वानप्रस्थ्य Ex:  This led to the first major phase of anti-Protestant persecution in France विन्यय Ex:  3rd phase of talks Representatives: Chun Yung-woo वृक्षांघ्रि Ex:  Generally regarded as the masterpiece of his early phase व्य़ुपरम Ex:  Critic F. O. Matthiessen called this "trilogy" James's major phase सन्निवेश Ex:  An operation's final phase समवस्था Ex:  The first phase of the battle started on August 13 समवस्था Ex:  The first phase of the battle started on August 13 स्थिति Ex:  Vasari divides the age into three phases: the first phase contains Cimabue उ:   और यह स्थिति सिर्फ अपने यहां है ऐसा भी नहीं । स्ववार्त Ex:  Other additions in the first phase include dining हँसावनि Ex:  The rate at which cells grow during this phase is known as the growth rate हस्तविन्यास Ex:  In the last phase of his career ह्वाल Ex:  For the bearoff phase
As verb : चरणों में करना Ex:  During the second phase of the "Walt Disney World" theme park
Other : अवस्थान Ex:  In the second phase of the war अवस्थाविशेष Ex:  The Italian Renaissance began the opening phase of the Renaissance उ:   इनके कारण अवस्थाविशेष में दुर्गंध उत्पन्न होती है। कला Ex:  During the early phase of the Italian unification process of the 19th century उ:   यहाँ एक कला विद्यालय है। स्थिती Ex:  In phase two, "B" is discredited using some strawman. उ:   ऐसी स्थिती में आत्मा सर्वांगीण संपूर्ण होती है।
Phase ki paribhasha : jaisa,—k rogi ki dasha achchho nahin hai kisi padaarth ka vah gun jisaka bodh drashta kisi sthaan va padaarth ke ve donon chhor ya kinaare jo agale aur pichhale se bhinn hon kisi kaary ka vah vidhaan jo shaastron aadi ke dvaara nishchit ya nirdhaarit hua ho dekhane ki vratti ya shakti sharir men kaaankh ke niche vah sthaan jahaaan pasaliyaaan hoti hain vedaant darshan ke anusaar manushy ki chaar avasthaaean- jaagrata, svapna, sushupti aur turiy
Usage of Phase in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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