Philosophy meaning in hindi
As noun : उपदेशता Ex:  metaphysical philosophy
कालापक Ex:  She is a doctor of philosophy in physics उ: इसके दूसरे नाम कालापक और कौमार भी हैं। जहन Ex:  Its architecture reflects the philosophy of Humanism तत्वविद्या Ex:  These thinkers blended Aristotelian philosophy with Christianity उ: एंतिस्थिनीज़ ने अफलातून की इस तत्वविद्या का विरोध किया। तत्वशास्त्र Ex:  He studied philosophy and theology at Paderborn थंभनी Ex:  Polynesian and Tibetan philosophy दर्शन शास्त्र Ex:  Religion and philosophy meet in several areas दर्शनशास्त्र Ex:  Haywood called this philosophy "socialism with its working clothes on". उ: दर्शनशास्त्र सामाजिक चेतना के रूपों में से एक है। धारणा Ex:  The earliest recorded philosophy of time was expounded by Ptahhotep उ: हालांकि बाद में उनकी धारणा बदल गयी। प्रेप्सा Ex:  For the Vedantic schools of Hindu philosophy फिलासफी Ex:  From 1895–1896, he studied philosophy at University of Rome La Sapienza. मुराकबा Ex:  Returning to Harvard in 1911 as a doctoral student in philosophy राद्धांत Ex:  The philosophy of art of the ancient Greeks and Romans is re-appropriated. समुद्देश Ex:  He taught in the famous Stoa Poikile from which his philosophy got its name. सायणवाद Ex:  Ambrose of Milan was known for applying Stoic philosophy to his theology. सिद्धंत Ex:  Though elements of Rand's philosophy have been adopted by libertarianism सिद्धांत Ex:  Hegel's philosophy underwent a major renaissance. उ: लोगों को आइन्सटीन का ही सिद्धांत पसंद आया। सिधंत Ex:  Indian philosophy includes Hindu philosophy.
Other : ज्ञान प्रीति Ex:  His political philosophy ज्ञान विद्या Ex:  Based in the Progressive era's philosophy of science as a problem-solver तत्त् Ex:  The philosophy of Taoism is centered on "the way" तत्वज्ञान Ex:  Like his teacher Plato, Aristotle's philosophy aims at the universal. उ: प्रमाणों ही के द्वारा तत्वज्ञान होने से मोक्ष की प्राप्ति हो सकती है। तत्वविचार Ex:  Aristotle makes philosophy coextensive with reasoning तर्क शास्त्र विद्या Ex:  Wagner's influence on literature and philosophy is significant. दर्शन Ex:  In philosophy generally उ: उनके दर्शन करते ही चोरों की बुद्धि शुद्ध हो गयी। दार्शनशास्त्र Ex:  Logic and the philosophy of language are closely related. फ़लसफ़ा Ex:  Plato had also attended courses of philosophy मानसिक शान्ति Ex:  Greece also generated many cultural contributions: in philosophy
Philosophy ki paribhasha : brahma, aatma aur srashti aadi ke snbndh ka yathaarth gyaan snkata, baadhaa, kathinaayi ya vipatti aadi upasthit hone par ghabaraahat ka na hona vah shakti jisamen koi baat man men dhaaran ki jaati hai bhalibhaaanti soch vichaar kar sthir kiya hua mat
ExamplesUsage of Philosophy in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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