Pick meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Pick
As noun : अख्ज Ex:  he was my pick for mayor
अपर्वत Ex:  He was supposed to pick her up after lunch. अभ्यवहरण Ex:  Each city has a flea market where you can pick up good bargains. अभ्यवहार Ex:  He leaned across to pick up his wallet. अवसारण Ex:  I have booked a pick up to transport goods from the station. अहुटानापु Ex:  The car was towed to the garage by a pick up truck. आशि Ex:  I'll pick you up just after midnight . इश्तियाल Ex:  Don't pick at the bookbinding . ईंचना Ex:  They will pick holes in your argument . उकसाना Ex:  These potatoes are the pick of the crop . उकेला Ex:  I can just pick it up with a powerful telescope . उदगारना Ex:  He'd as soon pick a figureht as look at you . उद्धम Ex:  At that time , the first pick was awarded by coin flip. उपजाप Ex:  The Bears currently possess the fourteenth overall pick in the 2008 NFL Draft. उरेहनापु Ex:  The taxi will come pick you up from where you are. कवलना Ex:  The two plays are combined in the pick and roll कुदाली Ex:  After arranging to pick up her boyfriend कुरेदना Ex:  Jakarta held its first ever election to pick a governor खँदना Ex:  Labour in large number is required to pick the leaves . खंचना Ex:  But I could not find the courage to pick up the rock . खाधना Ex:  Action to pick खाना Ex:  Forcing a key, pick a lock, Distort, twist, damage by a violent maneuver a key, a lock springs, so they can no longer play उ:   इन्‍हें शरद खाना कहा जाता है। खींचना Ex:  He became seriously pick खुरचना Ex:  He offered to pick me खोदना Ex:  He was caught to pick a door घलाहल Ex:  If falls, it will pick घुसाना Ex:  I'll pick you up at two o'clock घुसेडना Ex:  It also means Perceiving collect, gather, pick up, carry चयन करना Ex:  pick mignonette चयन Ex:  ragpicker Hook, Small armed stick to one end of a piece of sharp, curved iron, ragpickers whose use to pick rags, paper, etc उ:   शब्दों का चयन वीर रस के अनुकूल है। चियारना Ex:  The gleaners will pick the ears in the चुगना Ex:  The intruders will not dare pick you here चुनना Ex:  We forgot the key, it was necessary to pick the door चुराना Ex:  What we can pick up in one shot rake चुरावना Ex:  While crouching, pick to reflect the less space it is possible चूघना Ex:  Working with the pick and the pickaxe to destroy the foundations a building, a bastion, etc छाँटना Ex:  , A bone to pick with someone, grant him a slight advantage to get rid of his importunities जग्ध जेँवना झनकाना डालना डोली करना तनाउल ताणना नंषना पजावना परिष्कारक पेटपूजा प्रविकर्षण प्राणोपहार प्राशु प्राश् प्रोल्लेखन प्सा प्सान फिटाना बजाना बागना ‡ बाना उ:   उन्होंने सभी सैनिकों को केसरिया बाना पहनने का निर्देश दिया। बिलछाना भछना भड़काना भीँचना भुंचना भोजन करना भोजनवृत्ति मन में बसाना मसकाना मिस्कीट मूषण मेलना मेल्हना रालना रुनकाना लाति लेना उ:   कर लेना घनघोर तपस्या वय चतुर्थ के आने पर। लोढ़ना वल्मन विखनन विनयन विनिकषण विनोदन विलब्धि विष्वाण व्यपनय व्यपनुति व्यावृति व्युदास शरीरस्थिति श्रयना संघुक्षण संछेद सन्यासन समाश समाश्रयण हटाना हरामखोरी
As verb : किसी नुकीली वस्तु से ताला खोलना Ex:  Meanwhile, Armstrong telephoned Edwards and asked for someone to pick him up. चुन लेना Ex:  The pick of demolishers
Other : उचकना Ex:  When you finish playing, you have to pick up . खरीदना Ex:  Action to pick गैती Ex:  I forgot that he was supposed to pick me चोंच मारना Ex:  You do not eat, you do pick one's food as छापने के अक्षर पर जमी हुई मैल Ex:  de Who should be requested by the creditor, he must pick himself; by, opposition to Portable, Who must be worn it in a designated place, without the application छॉटना Ex:  It applies to pick up anything the elders said more curious on this matter तोडना तोड़ना पसन्द उ:   पर इस खाने को हर जगह पसन्द किया जाता है। फसल उ:   मक्का की फसल में नर भाग पहले परिपक्व हो जााता है। बीनना वानकांक साफ करना साफ़ करना
Pick ki paribhasha : kisi padaarth se usake kisi ansh ko kaatakar alag karana aalamaari, mej ya sndook aadi men chijen rakhane ke liye patariyon ya takhton ke dvaara kiya hua vibhaag kisi baaje aadi par aaghaat pahuanchaakar athava hava ka jor pahuanchaakar usase shabd utpann karana chhoti vastuon ko haatha,chonch aadi se ek ek karake uthaana kisi sthaan ko gahara karane ke liy vahaaan ki mitti aadi ukhaadkar phekana pakadi ya thahari hui vastu ko is prakaar chhod dena ki vah niche gir pade kisi vastu ki usake svaami ke paroksh ya anajaan men le lena ek sthaan se doosare sthaan par karana kisi sukadne phailanevaale chhed ko phailaana doosare ke haath se apane haath men karana
Usage of Pick in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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