Pigeon meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Pigeon
As noun : अकामता Ex:  Hary works as a stool pigeon in the U S police.
अरुणलोचन Ex:  Roosevelt was the last trained observer to ever see a passenger pigeon कंठीरव Ex:  New Zealand Pigeons are members of the pigeon genus Hemiphaga कपोत Ex:  The general morphology is that of a typical pigeon उ:   कपोत और कपोतकी की कथा ब्रह्मपुराण में सचित्र दी हुई है। कबूतर Ex:  It also displays typical pigeon behaviour उ:   शशक, मूस, गिलहरी, कबूतर घूम-घूम कण खाते हैं। करम Ex:  Messages were then tied around the legs of the pigeon उ:   करम नृत्य छत्तीसगढ़ और झारखण्ड की लोक-संस्कृति का पर्याय भी है। कलकंठ Ex:  A horse tablespoons milk, a tablespoon of milk or pigeon plumage tablespoons milk, which is a horse pulling a white to isabelle, a pigeon of the same color कलध्वनि Ex:  As big as an egg of pigeon कलरव Ex:  As female name, means the COLOMBINE Fichte pigeon and by extension, Celle poultry काम Ex:  Bird gallinacean the size of a large pigeon and is an excellent game उ:   उनके इस काम में निलहे गोरों को राजनीति की बू आई। कामविहंता Ex:  Color changing, color changing according to the various exhibitions, such as the throat of a pigeon कामु Ex:  Common name the wood pigeon and wild pigeon किरतब Ex:  Company pigeon कोकदेव Ex:  crimp pigeon wings कोकदेव Ex:  crimp pigeon wings खरप्रिय Ex:  Formerly he was allowed to senior lords justices to have pigeon walk खरप्रिय Ex:  Formerly he was allowed to senior lords justices to have pigeon walk गृहशायी Ex:  From taffetas throat-de pigeon चित्रकंठ Ex:  I would like to pair up this pigeon which I lost female छेद्य Ex:  large wild pigeon nests on trees छेद्यकंठ Ex:  Pigeon Panties, Part back of a pigeon जातिव्यवसाय Ex:  pigeon wings, wing hair arranged on each side धंधु Ex:  Wearing pigeon wings धूम्रलोचन नप्स नौकर्म पारिगमिक प्रासादकुक्कुट बालवत्स्य बेवसाय मसखाली मुसाहबत मुसाहवी रक्तग्रीव रक्तनयन रक्तनेत्र वाग्विलासी वाग्विलासी विचेष्टित वृधसानु संकल्पज सखुनसाजी
Other : परेवा उ:   ;घिरिनि परेवा होइ पिउ ! आउ बेगि परु टूटि। पारावत उ:   स्वरोचिष मनु में पारावत तथा तुषिगण नाम के अंशावतार रहे।
Pigeon ki paribhasha : gati ya kriya jo kisi prayatn se utpann ho
Usage of Pigeon in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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