Pin meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Pin
As noun : अंकूड़क Ex:  Telephone area code , postal area code such as pin code .
अंघ्रि Ex:  Raju wants a big pin money for the following month. अंघ्रिनाम Ex:  she wrenched the wooden pin to open the giant door. अंह्नि Ex:  Meera and Bela were playing pin ball. अधमांग Ex:  Thousands of viruses can be found in pin point. अवकीलक Ex:  I wore a lovely diamond pin upon my blouse . आलपिन Ex:  Another related machine is the pin router आलपीन Ex:  But if ten people divided up the eighteen steps required to make a pin आलुंचन Ex:  The ground pin is longer than the live and neutral blades इंद्रकोश, इंद्रकोष Ex:  If the plug is polarized, the widest pin is the neutral connector. उद्धंधनी Ex:  The pin length is same as the Chinese version. ऊबंधना Ex:  Another type of splitter is simply a vertical pin or fin attached to an insert. कापना Ex:  The sorority membership pin was accepted in the following Boulé in Kansas City कील Ex:  and exaggeration, A pin would not fall to the ground, thought of a place where the crowd is very compact उ:   कील मुँहासे-झाइयों व साँवलापन दूर होता है। खूँटी Ex:  Attach with pin गोबना Ex:  Device for rotating the pin गोभना Ex:  diamond pin चरणयुग, चरणयुल Ex:  He stuck a pin into the finger चरनं Ex:  I skinned out to a pin छेदना Ex:  It also said a small pin that serves to bring together several crosses or medals जूवल Ex:  It also said the dog was put in a wheel to rotate the pin टंगा Ex:  It is said also, through indifference or contempt, I do not care a pin ठूँठि Ex:  Nick Arts practiced in a wooden or metal piece to receive the pin of another piece when we want to assemble the नत्थी करना Ex:  pin Point पएर Ex:  pin this towel lest it unfolds पतीनना Ex:  Preparation Cooking poultry or game to put the pin in पद् Ex:  Push a ball to the pin deck पाऊँ Ex:  Secure with a screw, a pin उ:   प्रथम, इसके पाऊँ की दो ऊँगलियों का आधा भाग चर्म से जुड़ा उआ होता है। पागड़ा Ex:  Shoot down all the pin deck पिन Ex:  The head a pin, the small rounded button opposite the tip, which serves to retain the pin into the fabric and prevent it from passing through and through as would a needle उ:   गांव का पिन कोड २८१२०४ है। पैँयाँ ‡ Ex:  The one, one that pin books पैयाँ ‡ Ex:  The one, the one we used to do the sorting rags in a paper mill, sorting pins in a pin factory, etc पैर Ex:  The size of a pin उ:   पैर से मुख्यतया चलने का काम होता है। बंधकरण Ex:  These two Things are so much alike that I would give the choice for a pin बाँदना ‡ Ex:  This school pin homework बाँधना Ex:  To ask a stone pin deck भरोसा करना Ex:  To pin or pin मत्तवारण Ex:  to Turkey pin मुष्टिकरण Ex:  Turn a pin मुसम्मर Ex:  Very small pin यमन Ex:  white pin वदर्धापन, वर्धापन Ex:  , Coups pin, pin bites, minor Offenses, but often repeated, made to a person वर्कुट Ex:  Attacher with a pin वर्द्धन, वर्धन Ex:  It also told Boys who turn the pin वस्त्रधारणी विश्वास करना श्रथन साँकड़ाना सुई की नोक जोड़ना
As verb : पिन लगाना Ex:  Sting pin
Other : अन्धसूची Ex:  Don't pin your faith on Tom . आलपीन लगाना Ex:  This pin was removed once the mine was planted. कील लगाना Ex:  A pin stung कीलक Ex:  Attach with a pin खूंटी लगाना Ex:  By analogy, topping a pin खूंटी Ex:  Cooking Utensil, usually iron, that under the pin is placed to receive the fat and meat juices which are roasted चुभाना Ex:  In terms of carpentry, it means a pin Thin for it to enter into the mortise छड़ी Ex:  In terms of carpentry, it means the Party from which a pin is practiced or full mortise wood Party which is between two mortise उ:   छड़ी पूजा एक प्राचीनतम मानवी सांस्कृतिक परंपरा है। टाचनी Ex:  It is said, by analogy, a small pin which is wound the yarn to lace सुई लगाना सुई उ:   कच्चे सूत के तीन या पांच तारों से बारीक सुई से टांके लगाए जाते हैं।
Pin ki paribhasha : pakke lohe ka chhota patala taar jisake ek chhor men bahut baarik chhed hota hai aur doosare chhor par tej nok hoti hai kisi vastu ko sui kaaante, bhaale, barachhi aadi se is prakaar dabaana ki usamen aarapaar chhed ho jaay lohe ya pital aadi ki bahut chhoti kil jisase kaagaj ityaadi natthi karate hain vah sthaan jahaaan khet se katakar aayi phasal daana jhaadne ke liye phailaayi jaati hai lahange, paajaame aadi men gokharoo, chutaki aadi ki sidhi tankaayi do vastuon ko sikara, milaakara, chipakaakar athava isi prakaar ke kisi aur upaay se ek karana rassi, taage, kapade aadi ki sahaayata se kisi padaarth ko bndhan men karana khugi ya devakavaas jo aasaam ki gaaro pahaadiyon men hoti hai
Usage of Pin in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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