Ping meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Ping
As noun : घरघराना Ex:  Elastic made a ping sound.
टन्न Ex:  Jing ping bands are made up of a boumboum भनभनाना याद दिलाना संदेश संप्रेषण के लिये जाँच् सनसन सनसनाहट स्मारण
Other : ध्वनि स्पंद Ex:  Bamboo flutes led the jing ping ensembles before the 1940s पटाका Ex:  Bouyon is a fusion of jing ping पिंग Ex:  Action Arts to ping iron उ:   रक्थाक्षं पिंग केसम रिपुकुल दमनं भीम दंष्ट्र अत्तःअसम्।
Ping ki paribhasha : sunghani rng ka yuvati athava kam avasthaavaali stri baajaarou hava men kisi vastu ke veg se nikalane ka shabd hava men jhonke se nikalane ya jaane ka shabd hona
Usage of Ping in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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