Pioneer meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Pioneer
As noun : अग्रेणी Ex:  In an 1822 letter to a pioneer in Ohio he wrote
अग्रेसरिक Ex:  Kircher did pioneer serious study of hieroglyphs आख्यायक Ex:  Roberto Zaldívar is a pioneer in laser-eye procedures and research. आरंभिक निवासी Ex:  Diaghilev was a pioneer in adapting these new musical styles to modern ballet. नी Ex:  In keeping with their pioneer ideology नेता Ex:  Ralph Vaughan Williams, and Benjamin Britten, pioneer of modern British opera. उ:   इस दल का नेता जोर्जे वासिलु है। परिवृढ Ex:  Some suggest this makes Twain a pioneer in the science fiction genre. प्रथम बसने वाला Ex:  Cohan was the pioneer of the musical theater libretto. भर्त्ता Ex:  She was a pioneer in the field of radioactivity मुखिया Ex:  The pioneer in this new project was the senator Nicolau Vergueiro उ:   के मुखिया के रूप में कामकाज देखते थे। मुख्य Ex:  Robert Koch was a pioneer in medical microbiology and worked on cholera उ:   यहां की मुख्य भाषा तमिल ही है। रहनुमा Ex:  Gordon Allport is considered the pioneer of trait approach . विनेता वोढा संचारयिता सरकर्दा
As verb : मार्ग प्रशस्त करना Ex:  Josquin was very much a pioneer
Other : अग्रगामी या पथप्रदर्शक Ex:  Early man was the pioneer on the earth. अग्रेसर Ex:  Kircher helped pioneer Egyptology as a field of serious study. आगे चलकर रास्ता बनाना Ex:  Despite decades of lobbying by tennis pioneer Billie Jean King and others पथ प्रदर्शक Ex:  One of those pioneer routes पथप्रदशर्क Ex:  Herodotus is now recognized as a pioneer not only in history पथिकृत Ex:  Van Gogh is a pioneer of what came to be known as Expressionism. प्रवर्तक Ex:  Designed by electric power pioneer Frank J. Sprague उ:   फलतः सभी भाष्यकार एक-एक वेदान्त सम्प्रदाय के प्रवर्तक बन गये। मार्ग दर्शक होना Ex:  He was a pioneer in using camera movement मार्ग दर्शक Ex:  South Korea is an established pioneer of stable democracy in Asia मार्ग Ex:  Josquin was a pioneer उ:   इस मार्ग में कठिनाइयाँ हैं। मार्गदर्शक Ex:  A pioneer in this area is Chester Himes उ:   पुरातत्व के इतिहासकारों के लिए ये ग्रंथ मार्गदर्शक हैं। लोनिया
Pioneer ki paribhasha : ek jaati jo lon ya namak banaane ka vyavasaay karati hai naatak men prastaavana ka vah bhed jisamen sootradhaar vartamaan samay ka varnan karata ho aur usi ka snbndh liye paatr ka pravesh ho
Usage of Pioneer in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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