Pitfall meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Pitfall
As noun : अडंचन Ex:  avoid a pitfall
अदावँ Ex:  Leave on a pitfall असुबिधा Ex:  Leave on the sand, on a pitfall and stationing more or less time, speaking of a Boat कठिनताई Ex:  Marine Rock, flower pitfall of water, on which the sea breaks कठिनाई Ex:  pitfall उ:   वे सारी कठिनाई और वे सारी परेशानी ‎सामने आजाऐंगी। चपकलश Ex:  The winds threw us on a pitfall चपकुलिश Ex:  There are adrift, says When one is far enough from coast or a pitfall for n have no fear to be pushed by the drift छिपी हुई दिक्कत मुश्किल उ:   मुक्तिनाथ की यात्रा काफी मुश्किल है। विष्पित
Usage of Pitfall in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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