Placed meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Placed
As noun : विनिश्चल Ex:  Tatar and Mogul, who placed their feet on the paths of infidelity.
शब्दगत Ex:  They agreed and invaded Nubia in 1276, and placed Shekanda on the throne. शयान Ex:  A wicket, usually made of wood, is placed at each end of the pitch. स्थास्नु Ex:  Selenarctos and Thalarctos which are now placed at subgenus rank. स्थित Ex:  In the 2005 season, the teams placed 1st and 3rd respectively. उ:   तिरुपति चित्तूर जिले में स्थित है।
As verb : उपसंपन्न Ex:  She placed crudites along with sesame sauce on the dining table उ:   उपसंपन्न भिक्षु को 'विनय' की शिक्षा उपाध्याय द्वारा ही दी जाती थी। पाया हुआ Ex:  The chef placed the fryers on the table. प्रणिहित Ex:  The important documents of the govt. should be placed securely. स्थान प्राप्त Ex:  1965 and 1967. Minis were initially placed first
Other : उपन्यस्त Ex:  boats are placed abut. स्थापित Ex:  The Matrix was placed 66th in the American Film Institute's "100 Years. उ:   भारत के प्रायः हर शहर में शनि के मंदिर स्थापित है।
Placed ki paribhasha : satkarm men tallinata
Usage of Placed in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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