Planet meaning in hindi
As noun : अंबरचारी Ex:  Are you from planet Neptune.
खभ्रम Ex:  Galileo also observed the planet Neptune in 1612 गगनाधिवासी Ex:  Arthur's spaceship crashes on the planet Lamuella ग्रह Ex:  A crater on the planet Mercury has been named after him. उ: ग्रह दो प्रकार के होते है। द्युषद Ex:  Our name for the planet comes from the Romans नवग्रह Ex:  In the 1880s Giovanni Schiaparelli mapped the planet more accurately भ Ex:  Ceres cannot be classified as a planet
Other : खगोल Ex:  We live on the planet Earth. उ: उनके पिता खगोल भौतिकी के वैज्ञानिक थे। खगोलक Ex:  Pluto is the outermost planet of our Solar system. सितारा Ex:  It is the largest planet in the Solar System उ: इसके बाद ही सितारा देवी अपने मां बाप को देख पाईं।
Planet ki paribhasha : ve taare jinaki gati, uday aur ast kaal aadi ka pata jyotishiyon ne laga diya tha
ExamplesUsage of Planet in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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