Planning meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Planning
As noun : आयोजन Ex:  He is planning a career in metallurgy. उ:   इस आयोजन में हजारों बौद्ध भी भाग लेते हैं।
तारघाट Ex: planning to redevelop a city centre. नगर योजना Ex:  We are planning on Ted and Bill . नाचकूद Ex:  Jefferson is widely recognized for his architectural planning of the UVA campus प्लैन Ex:  Polanski was planning The Fearless Vampire Killers योजना Ex:  In his last years he seemed to have been planning two major treatises उ:   डेहनी नामक सिंचाई योजना एशिया की प्रथम योजना है। संविध् Ex:  The Karachi Port Trust is planning a Rs. सन्निवेश Ex:  Latvia is also divided into five planning regions.
Other : अभिकल्पन Ex:  He made squared planning against his nemesis. आयोजना Ex:  The munucipality are planning to supply water regularly to the city in summer. उपक्रमण Ex:  Chandigarh has a good town planning . नियोजन Ex:  In 1900, with $150,000 , Tesla began planning the Wardenclyffe Tower facility. उ:   इसे नियोजन का समय दृष्टिकोण कहा जा सकता है। योजना और विकास एकक Ex:  2007 after 8 years of planning and four years of fundraising in Clement Park
Planning ki paribhasha : ek sima men, jo adhik ya atynt kam na ho, thaharaana kisi kaam men lagaane ki kriya ya bhaav
Usage of Planning in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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