Plant meaning in hindi
As noun : अंघ्रिप Ex: The healthy green shoots on a plant enhance its beauty.
अंह्निप Ex: they built a large plant to manufacture automobiles अकारना Ex: early peoples passed on plant and animal lore through legend अठागूहन Ex: Flag plant normally grows near water. अपरेटस Ex: The workers digged holes to plant trees. आबादी करना Ex: I sowed a parsnip plant in a pot. इंस्ट्रूमेंट Ex: A vegetable is a part of a plant that can you eat. इक्षुभक्षिका Ex: The leaves of Rose plant are serrated. उंडुक Ex: Leaf of a plant or tree. उझंटना Ex: To fertilize a plant by using pollen from a different type of plant उझाँटना Ex: The rose plant sends out a new rose in morning. उदभिद Ex: The flowers of this plant are very beautiful. उद्धुंधन Ex: The pansy plant has flowers of various colors. उपकारण Ex: The rose plant has a thorny stalk. उपकिरण Ex: It was a devilish plan to plant bombs in shopping centre. उरेहनापु Ex: A beautiful rose plant graces my garden. उल्लुंठन Ex: I backed into the potted plant . ओषधि, ओषधी Ex: I wanted to keep the smelly plant at a distance . करना Ex: The plant was closed in 2005 उ: जो मनुष्य इस दिन भगवान ऋषिकेश की पूजा करना चाहिए। कारखाना Ex: The largest power plant complex in Serbia उ: न कोई कारखाना था, न कारीगर। का़यम करना Ex: The parts are sent to the main plant of the aircraft company किबो Ex: External leaf characteristics are important for identifying plant species किल्बिष Ex: Other plant parts like stems or roots are non-determinant कुटरचना Ex: The leaf is one of the most vital parts of the plant कृहक Ex: Carbohydrate-containing plant material is fermented by yeast क्षपणी Ex: The M5000 is the largest methanol plant in the world at this time. क्षिपणि Ex: Towards higher elevations, plant life becomes sparser. गुज्झाना Ex: Certain of the plant materials used can be fatal गुलचानापु Ex: These sugars can then be used for growth within the plant through respiration. घेवरनापु Ex: North Glasgow, became the largest chemical plant in the world. चियारना Ex: Another plant native to this region चौडा़ना Ex: The power plant on the Israeli side allows production of magnesium metal . छनकान Ex: The 135 plant species include sixteen which are only found on Christmas Island. छा Ex: The only tree-like plant native to the pampa is the ombú, an evergreen. उ: आकाश में काली घटाएँ छा गईं थी। छिउला Ex: It is an annual plant that may vary in growth, habit, and height. छिपाना Ex: Production at the Cowley plant was ended छिपावना Ex: Common plant species include Cottonwood छुरण Ex: Fremont Cottonwood, maple, and willow dominate riparian plant communities. छोड़ना Ex: However, there were important regional differences in plant succession. जंत Ex: In North America, approximately 57% of plant species became extinct. जगतीरुह Ex: The plant is allowed to produce 2 shoots at a time जबानबंद Ex: Australia is relatively free of plant diseases and therefore prohibits imports. जाल Ex: The Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve is home to about 2,000 plant species उ: यह मकड़ी जाल विन्यास प्रणाली पर आधारित है। जुआचोरी Ex: By having Homer work in a nuclear power plant झंपना Ex: Closely related fields include plant morphology झपावना Ex: At the largest scale are the processes of plant development झोखना Ex: Among the most important molecules for plant function are the pigments. ठगी Ex: The most important plant hormones are abscissic acid ठवनापु Ex: Extracts of the plant Artemisia annua तिजइना Ex: The plant originated during World War II तियागना Ex: Rice is grown as a monocarpic annual plant थरपना Ex: Elephants are herbivores, spending 16 hours a day collecting plant food. दरगुजरना Ex: Ammonia is also produced through the decomposition of plant and animal matter दुकानापु Ex: As a result, plant life is limited to mostly mosses and liverworts. दुरावना Ex: A study in 1984 identified 25 plant species as Kakapo food. धरपना Ex: The capacity of the plant is meant to be 25 tons per year धुजाना Ex: The plant is the largest building by volume ever built. नंषना Ex: Though the plant has reopened under local management नबात Ex: Coca Cola still operates its bottling plant in Pandacan नींव डालना Ex: These plant provide food for the coral and give them their color. परिवर्जन, परिवर्ज्जन Ex: This article is concerned exclusively with the tea plant C. sinensis. पहपटबाजी Ex: Almost a fourth of India's 10,000 plant species are found in the state. पादप Ex: A common plant seen on the lava field is the Dwarf Buckweat उ: पादप रूपांकन मिलते हैं मकबरे की निचली दीवारों पर। पापनाशन Ex: In addition to the plant itself पाशबंधन Ex: It is also grown as an ornamental plant in gardens. पिस्तरना Ex: Meats were more expensive than plant foods. पैझना Ex: About three hundred plant species do not photosynthesize पौधा Ex: The genotype of a plant affects its growth उ: यह पौधा पार्स्ले परिवार का सदस्य है। प्रचारान Ex: Biotic factors also affect plant growth. प्रतिष्ठापना Ex: The xylem moves water and minerals from the root to the rest of the plant प्रमूकना Ex: The plant provides a home, and sometimes food, for the ants. प्रसंजन Ex: The islands of the Great Barrier Reef also support 2,195 known plant species प्रसयन Ex: The plant species are spread by birds. प्रातिधान Ex: Table sugar comes from plant sources. फरालन ‡ Ex: In 1754 Linnaeus divided the plant Kingdom into 25 classes. फैलाना Ex: Von Braun admitted visiting the plant at Mittelwerk on many occasions बंचनता Ex: Not all trees have all the plant organs or parts mentioned above. बखोरना ‡ Ex: A plant form that is similar to a tree but generally having smaller बगुर Ex: They can be defined by plant hardiness बग्गुर Ex: Much of the plant life on savannas is adapted to seasonal aridity. बटपारी Ex: In total at least 60 species of plant have been found on Surtsey बनपाती Ex: 1985 saw the opening of a huge power plant at Moneypoint बनाफाति Ex: Many plant species were supported बाँहना Ex: In certain plant species बावरि Ex: He wrote several works on plant morphology, and colour theory. बिंटना Ex: Hewlett-Packard has operated a large plant in Boise बिटालना Ex: The fish plant is self-sufficient: they have their own power generators. बिरछ, बिरछा Ex: Ford Motor Company's nearby Willow Run plant turned out B-24 Liberator bombers. बिरधा Ex: Construction has started on a second plant बिरराना Ex: All the other names are glossed or "translated" with a plant name. बिस्तरना Ex: Both Caesalpino and Ray used traditional plant names and thus बूटा Ex: However, the closed-loop ethanol plant attempts to address this criticism. उ: जिस कपड़े पर चिकनकारी की जाती है पहले उस पर बूटा लिखा जाता है। बोना Ex: A total of over 1,132 plant species have been identified parkwide. ब्लेष्क Ex: Virtually all the historically known plant and animal species भूसुत Ex: It is typical for all cells, tissues and organs of a plant . भ्रंश, भ्रंस Ex: A hothouse plant मुंचना Ex: Because lignin holds the plant cells together मुकलना Ex: There are only sixty recorded vascular plant species native to the island मुक्काना Ex: This plant is widely cultivated in Yemen and is generally used for chewing. मूकना Ex: The diet in the tropics tended to be based more heavily on plant foods मूर्च्छन Ex: Guyana abounds with plant and animal life. मेल्हना Ex: Humans are omnivorous, capable of consuming both plant and animal products. मोकना Ex: Fertilizers are commercially produced plant nutrients . मोकलना Ex: We should plant more trees to increase the green cover . मोक्षण Ex: The plant body may be unicellular, colonial or filamentous . मोचना Ex: The haploid plant body produces gametes by mitosis . मोषण Ex: Haploid spores are produced by this plant body by meiosis . मौष्टिक Ex: Their plant body is more differentiated than that of algae . यंट्र Ex: A plant of the Cucurbitaceae family, also known as Watermelon, whose fruit, same name that ripens in southern countries यंत्र Ex: A plant of the family Caryophyllées with small flowers and pointed leaves उ: इस क्षेत्र को श्री यंत्र टापू कहा जाता है। रोपित करना Ex: A plant of the family of legumes, is so called because, when touched, it folds its leaves लगाना Ex: A plant of the family of legumes, used in medicine उ: बुद्धि-चातुर्य और निर्णय क्षमता का अंदाजा लगाना संभव है। वज्रदंती Ex: A plant of the grass family whose grain is used mainly for feeding horses वनस्पति Ex: A plant of the Rosaceae family, called Burning Bush as उ: यहां देशी-विदेशी वनस्पति और जंतुओं का संग्रह है। ववना Ex: A plant of the Rosaceae family, so named because its leaves have five leaflets वाससू Ex: A rare plant विकीरन Ex: A tree plant विप्रसारण Ex: a tree The root of a plant विवार Ex: Action Horticulture force the development of a plant or result this action वेश्मधूम Ex: An aboriginal plant वोरट Ex: anatomical description of the circulatory system in the animal and plant व्लेष्क Ex: ASSOCIATE says adjectively in terms of Botany, Party of agglomerated plant a small area शिल्पगृह Ex: Body Chemistry single metalloid, sometimes pure, like the diamond, sometimes united with other principles, such as plant and animal substances, ordinary charcoal, etc शिल्पालय Ex: Botanic genus of the family plant grass शिल्पिशाला Ex: Botanic Special arrangements of flowers from a plant cluster, cob, etc श्रमस्थान Ex: Botanical aromatic plant of the family Labiatae संचत् Ex: Botanical aromatic plant of the family Labiatae संछादन Ex: Botanical Family Leguminosae Genus plant that contains many species, all exotic, with the exception of one goat Street, which grows mainly in France and Italy संत्यजन Ex: Botanical He said the bodies inserted directly and without support on the axis of a plant संप Ex: Botanical He said to a plant family whose stamens are welded anthers संप्रसारण Ex: Botanical Parasitic plant that grows on the branches of some trees, oak, poplar, of the hawthorn, olive, juniper, etc संयंट्र Ex: Botanical plant of the composite family, which are grown in gardens for its beautiful flowers संयन्ट्र Ex: Botanical plant of the family of Urticées, so called because it usually grows on the walls संयन्त्र Ex: Botanical plant of the family Umbelliferae उ: यहाँ पर परमाणु ऊर्जा के दो संयन्त्र निर्माणाधीन हैं। संवपन Ex: Botanical plant of the genus Salvia संवार Ex: Botanical plant of the Labiatae family, commonly called QUEUE-DE-LION सन्निवेश Ex: Botanical plant of the Lily family, some species are cultivated in gardens सन्यासन Ex: Botanical plant of the Rosaceae family which medical use is made समासर्जन Ex: Botanical plant Onion समुत्सर्ग Ex: Botanical shrub that naturally comes along hedges and that is grown as an ornamental plant समुन्मीलन Ex: Botanical status of a plant that withers सेँधना Ex: Botanical status of a plant withers That स्थापित करना Ex: Botanists gave the name of a dicot plant Nepenthes Tropical स्थास्नु Ex: By extension, it is said of syrup, herbal tea made with the root of this plant हदयंगम करना Ex: déléguèrent one of their workers to the plant manager हिंस्त्रयंत्र Ex: Deploy, fly, plant a flag हेराफेरी Ex: didactic Dissection of an animal or a plant ह्नवन Ex: didactic geographical environment that meets the conditions for the existence of the animal or plant species जमाना उ: वह इन्हें तुर्की के विरूद्ध भड़काकर अपना प्रभाव जमाना चाहता था।
As verb : नगरादि, सन्निवेश Ex: They were in Gibraltar on a IRA operation to plant a car bomb. पेड लगाना Ex: One of their favorite leaves to eat is from an introduced plant बसाना Ex: Numerous plant species are endemic to the region. रोपना Ex: A plant of the family Lamiaceae, species of oregano, which is very aromatic, and which once was considered a powerful vulnerary उ: इनको २ से ३ फुट की दूरी पर मेड़ों पर रोपना चाहिए।
Other : उद्भिज Ex: Botanists interbreed many plant species. उद्भिज्ज Ex: She has a big rubber plant in her garden. उद्भिद् Ex: Each one plant one. औजार Ex: We will retool the plant for next year's models . उ: ऐसे औजार अनेक आकार और प्रकार के होते हैं। गाड़ना Ex: Hormones are vital to plant growth तरू Ex: The Arctic Ocean has relatively little plant life except for phytoplankton. पेड़ लगाना Ex: Toyota also announced plans to build a new plant in Woodstock by 2008 पौधा लगाना Ex: The Coal Measures are a major source of Palaeozoic plant fossils प्लान्ट Ex: The largest nuclear power plant in Europe उ: राजुला में देश का सब से बडा सिमेन्ट प्लान्ट है। बिरवा Ex: Each letter is associated with a tree or other plant बैठाना Ex: In a closed-loop plant संयंत्र Ex: Botanical plant of the family of Borraginées to many species उ: राउरकेला इस्पात संयंत्र की स्थापना हुई। स्थिर यन्त्र Ex: Collect the seed, the seeds of a plant संयन्त्र Ex: concrete plant Suc
Plant ki paribhasha : lagaataar sthaan ghiravaana taantrikon ke anusaar kuchh vishisht prakaar se bane hue aakaar ya koshthak aadi, jinamen kuchh ank ya akshar aadi likhe rahate hain aur jinake anek prakaar ke phal maane jaate hain ek padaarth ke tal ke saath doosare padaarth ka tal milana kisi pakadi hui vastu ko prathak karana aisi sthiti men karana jisamen kisi ko dikhaayi na pade ya pata na chale vah sthaan jahaaan vyaapaar ke liye koi vastu banaayi jaati hai kisi drav padaarth ki thndha karake athava kisi aur prakaar se gaadha karana chhota ped, kshupa, gulm aadi paudhe ko ek sthaan se ukhaadkar dusare sthaan par jamaana vah vraksh jisamen phool na ho arthaat na dikhaayi pade keval phal hi hon
ExamplesUsage of Plant in sentences
The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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