Plastic meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Plastic
As noun : अकर्कश Ex:  unbreakable plastic dinnerwear
अज्ञाकारी Ex:  Nowadays plastic chairs are in vogue. अनकारी Ex:  the temple was garishly decorated with bright plastic flowers अनुकर्ता Ex:  The plastic can not be degraded. अनुवश Ex:  The computer was covered with a plastic cover. अनुविधायी Ex:  By different types of polymer an atom of plastic is formed. अनुविहित Ex:  All the potters and painters are in the profession of plastic arts. अनुशासनपर Ex:  Doctors do plastic surgery on the damaged part of the body. आज्ञांविधेय Ex:  Price of plastic items are cheaper than the metal ones. आज्ञाकारी Ex:  the heat deformed the plastic sculpture उ:   उनके रूठे पुत्र कार्तिकेय जी माता के आज्ञाकारी हुए। एंचीला Ex:  He specializes in plastic surgery. कोँवर Ex:  Jeff snapped the plastic plug out of the socket . ढलनशील Ex:  Is this a paper? No, its plastic . तावेदार Ex:  Its objectives included the merging of plastic arts with applied arts नरंम Ex:  This plastic is sometimes regurgitated and fed to chicks नरम Ex:  Bowls are often plastic if wooden bowls are not available. उ:   नरम मिट्टी की विधि सबसे आम है, क्योंकि यह सबसे किफायती है। प्लस्टिच Ex:  A plastic daisy-wheel was much simpler and cheaper than the typeball प्लास्टिक Ex:  Such dice are typically plastic उ:   लिगनिन प्लास्टिक बंधक का काम करता है। मुलायम Ex:  The city has enforced a ban on the use of plastic bags उ:   श्वेत ‎फ़ॉस्फ़ोरस मोम जैसा मुलायम रवेदार पदार्थ होता है। मृदु Ex:  Dance was often referred to as a plastic art during the Modern dance era. मृदुल Ex:  Its translucent plastic case रकीक Ex:  Clay plastic used for making pottery लचलची Ex:  The clay is plastic लचील Ex:  The plastic under animals, plants लचीला लोचक वंक्य वचस्कर वाक्यस्थ विधिकर विनयग्राही समनुवर्ती सुस्पर्श सृज्नशील स्थितिस्थापक
Other : अभिघट्य Ex:  Dr.Ram is a famous plastic surgeon. नमनीय Ex:  There have been at least three Type H badges made with little or no plastic नम्य Ex:  Keaton is an advocate against plastic surgery. बनाने या ढालने के योग्य या सम्बन्धी Ex:  Now milk is increasingly sold in plastic bottles. बनाने या ढ़ालने के योग्य या सम्बन्धी Ex:  Most people purchase milk in bags, plastic jugs or waxed-paper cartons. रूप देने वाला Ex:  Power, plastic force सुघट्य उ:   अम्ल की अभिक्रिया से ऐल्युमिना सुघट्य बनाया जाता है। सुनम्य
Plastic ki paribhasha : jhukane ya tedha honevaala najaakat se yukt prem prasng ka haasa- parihaas dudh ka aahaar karanevaala
Usage of Plastic in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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