Play up meaning in hindi
As noun : अँगुरियाना Ex:  Try to play up the good qualities of our product .
परेशान करना पिड़काना ।
As verb : अठाना० Ex:  It won't do any good to play up to me . उँगलाना Ex:  He would play up his shirt, he would play all what is कदर्थन Ex:  I will not play up with him if he gives me the advantage प्रबाधन बढ़ा चढ़ा कर बताना संतापना् संवाह सताना
Play up ki paribhasha : kisi ke pichhe padna
ExamplesUsage of Play up in sentences
The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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