Plover meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Plover
As noun : टिटिहरी Ex:  Zoology plover species about the size of a blackbird
टिट्टिभा बटान शराटिका, शराति शराडि, शराति
Other : एक प्रकार की बुलबुल के आकार की चिडया Ex:  female plover जीरा Ex:  The lapwing n ' is not as good to eat as the plover उ:   जीरा भुनने के बाद धनियाँ पाउडर डाल दीजिये।
Plover ki paribhasha : paani ke kinaare rahanevaali ek chidiya jisaka sir laala, garadan sapheda, par chitakabare, pith khairai rng ki, dum milejule rngo ki aur chonch kaali hoti hai
Usage of Plover in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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