Poem meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Poem
As noun : अँभोज Ex:  The poem is imagery.
अंगढ़ग Ex:  The poem is written ironically. उरेहनापु Ex:  The runnel was a poem in motion. कबिता Ex:  He interpreted a poem in the class. कविता Ex:  she recited a poem उ:   कविता सरल, सुबोध रोचक और सरस है। कविवाणी Ex:  She composed a poem कव्व Ex:  by heart She has learnt the poem by heart. काव्य Ex:  This poem of Rabindranath Tagore is picturesque. उ:   काव्य दो प्रकार का माना गया है, दृश्य और श्रव्य। किबो Ex:  She ended up her speech with a poem . कृति Ex:  Sharon finished by reading a poem . उ:   यह कृति प्राचीन भारत के इतिहास की एक गाथा है। कोआ़न Ex:  We can point to Lucy Hutchinson's epic poem about the fall of Humanity गुंफ Ex:  The oldest poem is the Old Hungarian Laments of Mary ठटनि,ठटनी Ex:  Onegin is based on the Pushkin poem and showcases many tourist attractions. नजम Ex:  Shakespeare follows the poem closely निर्मिति Ex:  The poem increasingly reflected his preoccupations with politics and economics. पद्य Ex:  It is from the former poem that the usage of albatross as a metaphor is derived उ:   पद्य और गद्य दोनों में अनेक अनुवाद हुए हैं। पोइट्री Ex:  In part due to the poem पोइट्री Ex:  In part due to the poem प्रवाच्य Ex:  " At the end of this poem रचना Ex:  ' It is Eliot's major poem of the late twenties उ:   'साकेत' उनकी रचना का सर्वोच्च शिखर है। वर्षणि Ex:  Another much-quoted example is the poem विधानविधि Ex:  When the poet got up and announced his poem विनिर्मिति Ex:  The poem is one of the earliest attested examples of Old English and is वीदग ‡ Ex:  When Cædmon returned the next morning with the requested poem वृधसानु Ex:  The poem is known from twenty-one manuscript copies सन्निवेश Ex:  The oldest known version of the poem is the Northumbrian aelda recension. सरजाना Ex:  Like Paterson, it is a poem about a city सर्जना Ex:  After his release, he also wrote the famous poem The Ballad of Reading Gaol. सिरजन Ex:  Although Apollonius wrote his poem in the 3rd century BC सिवस Ex:  Ochmański posited that the poem skipped the generation represented by Butvydas हाइक् Ex:  The remaining lines of the poem have an a-b alternating rhyme.
Other : कवित्त Ex:  This poem has ten stanzas. उ:   इस कवित्त से स्पष्ट है । छन्द Ex:  " As a retort, Byron wrote a poem beginning: "Remember thee! उ:   इसमें ११०७ छन्द हैं।
Poem ki paribhasha : pingal ke niyamon ke anusaar niyamit maatra va varn ka chaar charanonvaala chhnd manovikaaron par prabhaav dalanevaala ramaniy padyamay varnan taratib ya kram se rakhana vah vaaky rachana jisase chitt kisi ras ya manoveg se poorn ho anushtup jaati ka ek chhnda, jisamen bis bis aksharon ke chaar charan hote hai
Usage of Poem in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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