Politely meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Politely
As noun : सभ्यतः Ex:  It receives very politely all the world
As adverb :
नम्रतापूर्वक Ex:  “Care to dance?” asked Bill, politely . उ:   उसने अधिक-से-अधिक झुककर नम्रतापूर्वक प्रणाम किया और बाहर चला गया। बाशऊर Ex:  " to which Gilmour politely responded शालीनतः Ex:  In this sense, sometimes we say simply, without adding anything, Forgive me, forgive me, to express politely as On does not agree with what another says शिष्टतः Ex:  It also means Dismiss, send someone politely शिष्टाचारपूर्वक Ex:  It is still used in a sense of requirement, politely expressed command
Other : विनित भाव से Ex:  In conversation, they say often politely and apologetically, I took, I take, I take the liberty of doing such a thing, I have to say, I do, I will do such a thing शिष्टाचार से Ex:  It has used very politely
Usage of Politely in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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