Pomegranate meaning in hindi
As noun : अनार Ex:  I like pomegranate than all other fruits. उ: अनार दुनिया के गर्म प्रदेशों में पाया जाता है।
कल्कफल Ex:  Accept orange, pomegranate Put them in a land filled crate कुचफल Ex:  It should intersperse these orange and pomegranate these कुटि्टम Ex:  Mineralogy Sort gemstone whose color varies but is most commonly a similar to that of red pomegranate seeds दंतबीज Ex:  Pharmacy Flower wild pomegranate दंतवीज Ex:  Rencaisser orange, pomegranate दशनबीज Ex:  The pomegranate seeds are separated from each other by small dandruff दाड़िम Ex:  , C is a real pomegranate is a grenadier, says a tall woman who was free and bold ways उ: ; नाक का मोती अधर की कान्ति से, बीज दाड़िम का समझकर भ्रान्ति से। दाड़िमा Ex:  de Botany Plant of America whose seeds have a similar taste to that of the seeds of the pomegranate दाडिमीसार Ex:  Grain pomegranate दारयोँ Ex:  Satchel that was once part of the equipment of a pomegranate and in which he carried grenades द्रुमसार नीलपत्र पर्वरुह फलपूर फलशाडव मधुबोज मधुवीज रक्तबीज वृत्तफल शालमर्कट, शालमर्कटक शुकवल्लभ शुकादान सत्फल हालिक
Other : दाडिम Ex:  Fruit pomegranate containing amount of red grains, each enclosed in a small cell
Pomegranate ki paribhasha : ek ped aur usake phal ka naam
ExamplesUsage of Pomegranate in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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