Pop meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Pop
As noun : अबू Ex:  You should consult her shes an expert in pop art.
किबलागाह, किबलागाही Ex:  Now-a-days everyone is rushing towards pop madly. क्षांतु Ex:  I like pop corns very much. Ex:  Early pioneers in this field of pop rekilaulu included Arthur Kylander जनयिता Ex:  As a pop culture phenomenon जनवल्लभ Ex:  He tested the musical waters with his 1968 pop vocal release जनिता Ex:  Grant would later produce CCM's first #1 pop hit जनेष्ट Ex:  The Beatles-nurtured power pop group Badfinger also has its roots in Wales . जन्मकृत् Ex:  This system produced pop stars including Fabian जोर से फट् Ex:  With their love of the Beach Boys and late 1960s bubblegum pop देहकर Ex:  American pop stars such as Elvis Presley देहकर्ता Ex:  Cole Porter, and Stephen Sondheim have become pop standards. पादर Ex:  Tricky and U2, and Japanese pop musicians such as Pizzicato Five and Towa Tei . पाप संगीत Ex:  It is now not uncommon for modern Italian pop artists such as Laura Pausini पिता Ex:  Italian pop rock has produced major stars like Zucchero उ:   इनके पिता रुचि राम साहनी रसायन के प्राध्यापक थे। पितृचरण Ex:  Batman has become a pop culture icon, recognized around the world. पितृश्राद्ध Ex:  Hindi pop songs are also common. पिदर Ex:  "Where Did Our Love Go" reached number one on the US pop charts पोप् Ex:  The Ahoy complex in the south of the city is used for pop concerts फक्क की ध्वनि Ex:  Korean pop culture has become popular in Asia and beyond फादर Ex:  The band's main pop rivals were now Culture Club and Wham! बाऊ ‡ Ex:  The Billboard Hot 100 is the top pop music chart for singles लोकप्रिय Ex:  The song went to #1 on the pop chart उ:   गोवा में सबसे लोकप्रिय खेल फुटबाल है। वपिल Ex:  Cypriot pop singers and composers include Michalis Hatzigiannis शराब रहित झागदार पेय Ex:  Dion's music has been influenced by genres ranging from pop शरीरकर्ता Ex:  94.5 Kfm and Good Hope FM mostly play pop music. शरीरकृत Ex:  Arabic music, Greek music, jazz, and pop rock are all part of the music scene. शरीरप्रभव Ex:  "Just My Imagination" began steadily climbing the U.S. pop singles chart. शास्ट्रिय Ex:  ] Mariah Carey is an American pop and R&B singer-songwriter शैम्पेन Ex:  The Spanish pop group Mecano ह्रीक Ex:  Cole Porter, and Stephen Sondheim have become pop standards.
As verb : पटक देना Ex:  Egyptian pop music has become increasingly important in Egyptian culture
Other : आ पडना Ex:  All you have to do is just pop in the necklace to her. आ पड़ना Ex:  Keep the crockery patiently just dont pop into. एक शरबत Ex:  My uncle presented me a pop gun on my birthday. घुसेडना Ex:  He works as a roadie with famous pop group. घुसेड़ना Ex:  You simply must pop around for a visit sometime . चटाका Ex:  Please put the soda pop on ice . झटपट आना या बाहर जाना Ex:  New pop punk bands such as Sum 41 टूट पडना Ex:  It has numerous famous venues for rock and pop concerts टूट पड़ना Ex:  Many active scholars in the study of pop culture तडकना Ex:  Although Lopez succeeded as a pop star a few years later तडाका या फट Ex:  1 on the country charts and entering the Top 20 on the pop charts. तडाका Ex:  2 on the U.S. Top Ten pop charts. तड़ाका Ex:  She was famously known as "Posh Spice" of the pop music group Spice Girls धडाका Ex:  Some Evangelical services resemble concerts with rock and pop music धड़ाका Ex:  Often, Twain is depicted on pop culture as wearing an all-white suit. पप Ex:  For a discussion of Satan in fiction and pop culture पॉप Ex:  It was also their first song to reach the UK pop charts, going to number three. उ:   बहुत सारे रॉक और पॉप कलाकार देशी संगीत आजमाने लगे। पॉप{पिता के लिए संबोधन} Ex:  Ross would record six number-one Billboard pop hits on her own संकर्ष Ex:  American pop stars such as Presley
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Usage of Pop in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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