Populace meaning in hindi
As noun : जन साधारण Ex: Among the German populace
जनता Ex: Until 1991 the LRA raided the populace for supplies उ: जनता भी इस विषय में जागृत हुई है। जनसाधारण Ex: Vast war damages and hyperinflation thereafter demoralized the populace उ: भाषा की सरलता के कारण उनकी कविताओं ने जनसाधारण में प्रसिद्ध पाई है। जम्हूर Ex: As of 2000, 34.14% of the populace was Cuban. जुमहूर Ex: A large fraction of the populace speak the Taiwanese dialect बहुजन Ex: With the majority of Nigeria's populace in the rural areas उ: पिछले दिनों बामसेफ व बहुजन समाज पार्टी के बीच मतभिन्नता दिखाई दी। लोकरावण Ex: For the rest of the populace
Other : जनसाधरण Ex: This seems to have assuaged the populace जमहूर Ex: Russian rule still remained distant from the local populace मामूली आदमी Ex: When Olivier returned to London the populace noticed a change in him. साधारण लोग Ex: Dalmatian coast as a part of the greater populace of Southern Slavs. सामान्य जन Ex: About the populace
ExamplesUsage of Populace in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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