Population meaning in hindi
As noun : आबादी Ex: Unemployment is one of the by-product of population growth. उ: सबसे आबादी वाला उचित शहर शंघाई है।
जन समुदाय Ex: the population increased tenfold जन Ex: statistical population उ: कई जन मिलकर राष्ट्र बनाते थे। जनता Ex: Two-thirds of the nation's population lives on Majuro and Ebeye. उ: यह जनता की बोली में घुलमिल गया है। जनसंख्या Ex: Its population has grown rapidly उ: यहाँ की १२% जनसंख्या छः वर्ष से नीचे की है। जम्हूर Ex: Iowa's population included about 97,000 foreign-born . जुमहूर Ex: The 1998 Census put Phnom Penh's population at 862,000 निवासी Ex: Phnom Penh had a population of 2,009,264 people उ: हिन्दी के प्रसिद्ध कवि देव इटावा निवासी थे। बिक्ति Ex: Bulgar and Greek population was also deported to Central Asia. बेकत Ex: The population of East Timor is about one million. लोकरावण Ex: It has a population of 708,738 लोग Ex: 33% of the population of 992,622 were enslaved African Americans. उ: इसे लोग 'मारीची कुंड कहते हैं।
Other : जन संख्या Ex: suburban population जनसमुदाय Ex: Iowa has an estimated population of 2,982,085 उ: जिससे बड़े जनसमुदाय द्वारा उत्पादन हो सके। जनसंख्या Ex: 6.1% of Iowa's population were reported as under the age of five बस्ती Ex: As of 2007, Crimea has a population of 1,973,185 inhabitants. उ: गनेशपुर बस्ती जिला का एक छोटा सा गांव है।
Population ki paribhasha : bahut se manushyon ka ghar banaakar rahane ka bhaav poshaak pahananevaala kisi sthaanavishesh par basane ya rahanevaale logon ki ginati vah bhoomi jisapar kheti hoti ho
ExamplesUsage of Population in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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