Porpoise meaning in hindi
As noun : उलपी Ex:  Reena said that she saw a porpoise when she went to Japan.
कुटिचर Ex:  Heavy river traffic on the Yangtze has driven the porpoise into the lakes. जलसूचि Ex:  From bacon porpoise वशाढ्य़क Ex:  LARD This is also called fat part which is between the skin and flesh of the whale, porpoise and other large whale species वाःकिटि Ex:  The porpoise is a species of dolphin शुंशुमार Ex:  The porpoise is a species of dolphin सूँस उ: सूँस की लंबाई सात फुट होती है।
ExamplesUsage of Porpoise in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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