Possibly meaning in hindi
As adjective : संभव हो सकना Ex:  Fiodor of Kiev, possibly Vytenis, and possibly Margiris.
As adverb :
कदाचित् Ex:  Wine was possibly introduced into Egypt by the Ancient Greeks. उ: कदाचित् उन्हीं के नाम पर यह नगर खरौद कहलाया । कदाफि Ex:  Bryant even suggested possibly changing the name of the Library of Congress कर्हिचित् Ex:  Gaddafi had possibly believed that कालिकाला Ex:  60 minutes in an hour – and possibly a calendar with 360 days in a year . गालिबन Ex:  It would have melted thereafter, and possibly vaporized. यथासम्भव Ex:  Amenose, Thutmose II, and possibly Ramose, through that secondary union. शायद Ex:  I cannot possibly do both". उ: इसके गीत के जरिए शायद वह दो बातें कहना चाहते हैं। संभवतः Ex:  Kaga took at least four, possibly more. उ: यह छंद संभवतः गंगा की तरफ इशारा करता है। सम्भवतः Ex:  GameFan called it "quite possibly the greatest game ever made" उ: सम्भवतः यह पुस्तक इसके भी पहले की रचना है।
Other : कदाचित Ex:  Ravi is possibly leaving next week to Canada. उ: उसका शासन कदाचित ३५० और ४०० ई. के बीच रहा।
ExamplesUsage of Possibly in sentences
The word can be used as verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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