Post meaning in hindi
As noun : अंतर्दधन Ex: a soldier manned the entrance post
अकबार Ex: She is trying for the post of typist. अखबार Ex: Apply to the chairman for the post of cashier . उ: वह आन्दोलन में अखबार को बेहद महत्वपूर्ण मानते थे। अतिवाहन Ex: expiration of the term of the post अभावरी Ex: His is a post modern approach. आलयम Ex: Raghu is studying avionics for his post graduation. इठाना Ex: The dog is tied to the post with a chain. इषणि Ex: There was post for you this morning. ईरण Ex: India has a large network of post offices. उद्घाट Ex: His post code is WBC 42. उलटन Ex: Could you post this leter for me? उवठान Ex: They will post me the cheque as soon as they recieve my bill. केन्द्र Ex: They contested for the post of speaker in the parliament. उ: शिक्षा का एक अन्य प्रमुख केन्द्र कश्मीर था। खंभा Ex: He has applied for the post of lecturership. उ: अतः पुल के नीचे कोई खंभा न हो। खम्भा Ex: I will post this photo on the bulletin board . घुमनि Ex: With the removal of the post चरचर Ex: The City is served by an independent, modern telephone system and post office. चलवाई Ex: Edinburgh has seventy post offices, one in St. चवको Ex: There are a number of post offices throughout the city. चायचौकी Ex: Woodruff was rejected upon applying for a post at the Royal Melbourne Hospital. चिंतावेश्म Ex: Other post secondary institutions include a law school चिट्ठी डालअना Ex: In South Greenland a German missionary post attracted South-East Greenlanders चुथाई Ex: It is a method of voting called a "weighted first past the post system". चुवावनि Ex: A spokesman for Tony Blair has not ruled out Blair accepting the post चुसनि Ex: Yevgeny Primakov did not remain in his post long. चोथाई Ex: This procedure is one of the most critical element of post production चौकी Ex: As the soldier turned back to his post उ: एक पुलिस चौकी शहर क्षेत्र में कार्य कर रहा है। जरीदा Ex: Congress also has the power to establish post offices and post roads जागाहपु Ex: They established the military post of Bathurst in 1816. In the ensuing years जिलादरी Ex: "administered" by individual HBC trading post managers. जीवनतल Ex: Tsang had held the post of Financial Secretary under British rule. झूलनि Ex: Donald Tsang assumed his current post on 24 June 2005 and as scheduled टेँचन Ex: Ashmole was given a military post at Oxford ठह Ex: He was offered the post of Garter Principal King of Arms ठहियाँ Ex: Like the bridge, the sound post is not glued ठही Ex: This was a prestigious post in the leading mercantile city in Saxony ठाँउँ, ठाँऊँ Ex: His post also obliged him to teach Latin ठाँम Ex: Moussa Arafat be dismissed from his post as chief of general security in Gaza. ठाँयँ Ex: Some classes even have class blogs where students must post weekly ठामपु Ex: Although he did little work in this post ठारपु Ex: In 1861 he accepted the post of Justice of the Peace ठाव Ex: Caesar was able to secure his post in Gaul for an unprecedented ten years. ठिन Ex: They were also allowed to establish a trading post in Colombo. ठोड Ex: His son was subsequently elected to the post in 2007 ठौहर Ex: Felt took Tolson's post as Associate Director डाक की मुहर Ex: The post war world also re-aligned the business and financial markets डाक घर Ex: At the post race press conference डाक Ex: The French post office उ: डाक बंगले में आराम की जगह मिल जाएगी। डाकिया Ex: The post of President of Poland was abolished डालअना Ex: The Communist candidate for the post of Prime Minister तंत्रिमुख Ex: In 1889 the French established a post on the Ubangi river at Bangui तथाभाव Ex: More recently, there is also the associated post of Deputy Prime Minister. तैनात करना Ex: Dre left his post as house producer to form his own label, Aftermath. थंड Ex: 1 post is elected by Federation of the Associations of the Disabled. थहण Ex: However he was defeated for the post by Karl Rungenhagen. थाँण Ex: Unsatisfied in his post and realizing the potential of the land थाँभा Ex: The Dutch West India Company did decide to remove Kieft from his post in 1647 थाम्ह Ex: At age 18 she took a post as a governess थाय Ex: 30 to 50% of stroke survivors suffer post stroke depression दारोगाई Ex: Several American pilots were saved because of this listening post in Norway. देवभवन Ex: The post of Commissary of Police was not regarded as important. धराव Ex: At the post match press conference धिष्णय Ex: Caesar ran for election to the post of Pontifex Maximus ध्रुवक Ex: The post came with an official residence on the Via Sacra. निथंभ Ex: Jean Chrétien's Liberal government began to post annual budgetary surpluses नियूक्त करना Ex: Character of what is post something else न्यूजपेपर Ex: Establish an observation post on a hill पंटलि Ex: Fold a detachment, a body, a post office, The back to the main army पट्र पेटी Ex: Franchise letter, free of postage, post Exemption granted rights some people पट्रवाहक Ex: He also told Human attached serving post horses पद Ex: He obtained his reinstatement in the post उ: १९९१ में लेगोस से राजधानी का पद छीन लिया गया। पद् Ex: He was given the post as a reward for services परसनि Ex: I will post my testimony to his परिपक्वावस्था Ex: If a tree post on पोजीशन Ex: In terms of Postal Administration, Recommend a letter, a package, Make Register to post a letter, a package so that they are delivered to the recipient personally, against Signature उ: किसी इनपुट के आने इसकी पोजीशन बदलती है। पोजीशन Ex: In terms of Postal Administration, Recommend a letter, a package, Make Register to post a letter, a package so that they are delivered to the recipient personally, against Signature उ: किसी इनपुट के आने इसकी पोजीशन बदलती है। प्रचार करना Ex: It also means a letter from Mark stamp post office, which is known to be the place and the day of departure, the day of arrival प्रचारान Ex: It also said the Way to travel with post horses प्रणोद Ex: It enraged to see his rival in the post he coveted for himself प्रहरी स्थान Ex: It once meant Crossing riding several post house without leaving the saddle प्रेषना Ex: Office post प्रैष Ex: Plucking a post फरहरनि Ex: post फेरनि Ex: POST also said the house where were the post horses बसबास Ex: post Horses बाजनि Ex: post of chair बिघनता Ex: post Voyager ब्यौरा देना Ex: Put your receipt at the bottom of this post भेजना Ex: Remove a post bayonet मंझा Ex: Say, publish something in honor of someone, say, post something that does him honor मुकलना Ex: Send brochures, post the tape in newspapers by मुक्काना Ex: Staying at the post said of a horse that does not start when the we give the signal मुखतारकारी Ex: The setting of a post in the ground मोकलना Ex: The tobacconists that take the tobacco shop or post office यथाज्येष्ठ Ex: The windows of a post office, the box in a bank home लग्गा Ex: There are six stations, post and half, double shift, so many in such a city stations such other लग्गी Ex: This is an excellent observation post लसनि Ex: This post is here to indicate the path वजीरा Ex: This soldier is absent from the post without permission of the head विंटक Ex: Today we said I will write by the first post विन्यय Ex: , be on deck to be at his post वृद्धक्रम Ex: , In post near a wood, marsh, etc वेढ Ex: I not only tell, but I will post everywhere, said by exaggeration in speaking of a thing we would like to inform everyone व्यवहारस्थान Ex: It is also said to each soldier who is on duty at a post for a specified time व्य़ुपरम शब्दी शय्यागृह शालिकी संपीड़ संप्रैष सन्निवेश समवस्था सामयिकपत्र साष्टिता सिताँ सिरिश्तेदारी सुरराजता सोहनाइत ‡ स्कंभन स्थान उ: गेंद के स्थान में युद्ध गैस भी रह सकती है। स्थानपाल स्थानाश्रय स्थाम स्थिति उ: मिर्जापुर की स्थिति पर है। स्थूणभार स्ववार्त हँसावनि हस्तविन्यास हुद्दा ‡ हौश
As verb : चिपकाना Ex: In the post match interview डाक में डालना Ex: If workers attempted to leave their current post डाक से भेजना Ex: Knowing that a prestigious post would aid him toward these ends नियुक्त करना Ex: Box of mail or Mailbox, cabinet Species where the public makes the letters post is responsible to forward their address to
Other : ओधा Ex: my name has been nominated for the post of VC ओहदा Ex: he has been relegated to a post in Siberia के बाद Ex: He resigned from his post after his party was routed in the election. खंबा Ex: The Play-off between Srilanka - Australia is post poned due to the rains. खम्बा Ex: He is a post graduate. खाते में उतारना Ex: Please post up the charges a little later . खाते में चढ़ाना Ex: For the post of treasurer, I prefer Don to Jill . खूँटा Ex: The bird veered off and missed hitting the post . खूटा Ex: Bartle Frere was relegated to a minor post in Cape Town. चढा़ना Ex: The post of Norroy and Ulster King of Arms still exists चिठ्ठीरसां Ex: The nationalists cut the telephone lines and burned the post office. जगह Ex: Most residents use post office boxes or private mail boxes उ: इस जगह को फरकिया के नाम से भी जाना जाता है। जळ चलना Ex: Having received offers of a post from the Universities of Erlangen डाक ले जाने वाला Ex: The British used Singapore as a strategic trading post along the spice route. डाकखाने में छोडना Ex: Champlain established in 1611 a fur trading post on the Island of Montreal दर्ज करना Ex: It was then that a small listening post located in Norway नौकरी Ex: Declare to post the values contained in a letter उ: इनकी अभिनय में पहली नौकरी मराठी मंच पर लगी थी। पदस्थ करना Ex: He thought, especially, post Stations पदासीन करना Ex: He was appointed Prefect of Strasbourg and went to his post shortly पाया Ex: In military terms, descending Guard, She who falls, as opposed to one that we place in a post and which is called Rising Guard उ: यहां पाया गया शिवलिंग काफी बड़ा है। प्रविष्ट करना Ex: It means, absolutely, Touching the salaries assigned to a post विज्ञापन देना Ex: write a post स्तम्भ उ: मंदिर के स्तम्भ और कमरे बहुत ही सुन्दर हैं। स्थूण
Post ki paribhasha : ek padaarth ke tal ke saath doosare padaarth ka tal milana bhaagavat men varnit bal ke ek putr ka naam kisi vastu ya vyakti ko ek sthaan se doosare sthaan ke liye ravaana karana kaath ya patthar ka chaukor aasan jisamen chaar paaye lage hon kisi lasili vastu ko bich men dekar do vastuon ko paraspar is prakaar jodna ki ve jaldi alag na ho saken mukhy khilaadiyon ki raajaamndi par any darshakon dvaara jooe ka daaanv lagaana jinaki haar jit mukhy khilaadi ki haar jit par nirbhar karati hai vah avakaash jisamen koi chij rah sake patthar ya kaath ka lnba khaad tukad athava int aadi ki thode ghere ki ooanchi khaadi jodai jisake aadhaar par chhat ya chhaajan rahati hai nilaam ki vastu lenevaalon ki pukaar jisake dvaara ve daam lagaate hain dak se aayi chitthiyaaan aadi logon ke paas pahuanchaanevaana karmachaari
ExamplesUsage of Post in sentences
The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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