Postpone meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Postpone
As verb : आगे बढाना Ex:  But Kane had to postpone the trip
स्थगित करना
Other : आगे ढकेलना Ex:  lets postpone the exam आगे बढ़ाना Ex:  Chemotherapy may be offered to slow disease progression and postpone symptoms. आगे हटा देना Ex:  The prosecutor requested the judge to postpone the trial . कालान्तरित करना Ex:  Accounting Action postpone a sum total टाल देना Ex:  Move back a wall, a fence, a ditch further postpone the डाल रखना Ex:  , must not put the game to the next, We must not postpone what you can do in the moment विलंब करना विलम्बित करना
Usage of Postpone in sentences

The word can be used as verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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