Postscript meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Postscript
As noun : अनुलेख Ex:  My brother scribbled a quick postscript about his visit to shimla.
पश्च लेख पश्चलेख संयोजित अंश
Other : अनुवार्ता Ex:  Byron's story fragment was published as a postscript to Mazeppa उपलेख Ex:  A postscript to M. J. Simpson's biography of Adams जो किसी चिट्ठी या लेख के समाप्त होने के पीछे लिखा गया हो Ex:  In this case we say today a postscript पश् Ex:  It puts postscript to every letter पश्च लिपि Ex:  Read the postscript पश्चलिपि पश्चात लेख पुनश्च- पुनश्च
Usage of Postscript in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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