Potential meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Potential
As noun : अन्तर्निहित शक्ति Ex:  Drive away potential burglars
संभावना Ex:  After working with potential customers उ:   संभावना का संकल्पना निपटते है। सकृद्गति Ex:  At each point, we are simulating a potential leader position. सम्भावित Ex:  The potential for a tourist industry exists उ:   इसका रचनाकाल ईसा की चौथी शताब्दी सम्भावित है। सांभवी Ex:  After eliminating his potential rivals स्थितिज Ex:  This is a state, or a potential for actual, or 'second', activity. उ:   इसीलिए इसे स्थितिज ऊर्जा कहते हैं।
As adjective : ईश्वरभाव Ex:  Students having potential should be encouraged to work harder. कसबल Ex:  These rivers provide potential freshwater and other resources. लियाकत Ex:  Despite his potential वयोधा Ex:  Much Australian hope rested with the potential of Bradman and Archie Jackson. शक्मा Ex:  Montenegro and Serbia are officially recognised as potential candidates. सत्ति Ex:  As Selznick failed to see its potential सामति Ex:  Worms as well as potential vulnerabilities were noted in February 2006 सामर्थ्य Ex:  Of all the potential targets for propaganda उ:   भाई बहन को अपनी सामर्थ्य के अनुसार उपहार देता है। स्थाम Ex:  They can be made negative, potential , or impotential . उ:   प्राचीन भारतीय ग्रंथों में कमल को महत्वपूर्ण स्थाम प्राप्त है।
Other : अन्तःशक्ति Ex:  She recognised the potential for error in the method being used. अव्यक्त Ex:  A post industrial city developing its potential for tourism. विभव Ex:  Nuclear potential energy उ:   नीचे की सूची में मानक एलेक्ट्रोड विभव वोल्ट में दिये हुए हैं। शक्य Ex:  The potential used depends on the constraints of the system संभव Ex:  Aside from their plutonium-producing potential उ:   ये हर संभव पैमानों पर बदलते रहते हैं। संभवनीय Ex:  Windows 2000 installations contain numerous potential security problems. संभावित Ex:  Similarly, Bédié excluded many potential opponents from the army. उ:   उपचार का संभावित दुष्प्रभाव जेरिस्क-हर्क्सहाइमर प्रतिक्रियाहै। समभाव Ex:  Maxentius in Italy was fortifying northern Italy against potential invasions. सम्भावी Ex:  The discovery of potential therapies will be made easier using genome targets. सम्भाव्य Ex:  This definition of potential सशक्त Ex:  Nicaragua's potential as a destabilizing influence in the region उ:   वहीं जनलोकपाल सशक्त संस्था होगी।
Potential ki paribhasha : saath snvatsaron men se chhattisavaaan snvatsar padavi jisaka vyavahaar vaishy apane naam ke saath karate hain shabdashakti ke dvaara prakat honevaala arth vartamaan avasarpini ke tisare arhat jain pooja ya satkaar ke yogy athava jisaka satkaar honevaala ho sookshm sharir aur sushupti avastha ek alnkaar jisamen kisi ek baat ke hone par doosari baat ka hona nirbhar kaha jaata hai kisi kaary ke snpaadan karane ki shakti
Usage of Potential in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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