Poverty meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Poverty
As noun : अंतभवि Ex:  The incidence of poverty is high is India.
अनुवर्रता Ex:  much poverty can be traced to the underdevelopment of industry अभाव Ex:  Dr ambedkar lived in poverty.
They were recognizable by the poverty of their dress.
उ:   हिंदी में यात्रा-साहित्य का अभी तक अभाव रहा है।
अराष्ट्र Ex:  Hilly areas have the poverty of iodine. अलच्छि Ex:  The prophetess pledged to wipe off poverty from the world. असन्निधान Ex:  Corruption and poverty are parts of the political @& social syndrome. आकिंचन Ex:  they took vows of poverty आकिंचन्य Ex:  His speech on poverty carried the audience. इहतियाज Ex:  Hunger and poverty drove him to steal. कंगाली Ex:  She arose from poverty to attain great wealth . कमी Ex:  Bob's talk of poverty is a new one on me . उ:   विटामिन-एफ की कमी के कारण लोग जल्दी थक जाते हैं। कुरंद कुरंदर Ex:  Cleveland continued to slide into poverty कृशत्व Ex:  The area is characterized by entrenched poverty खिफ्फत Ex:  This was the beginning of a slide into poverty for the family गरीबी Ex:  The poverty and starvation of the immediate postwar years disappeared उ:   उनकी गरीबी पूरी दुनिया में प्रसिद्ध है। तखफोफ Ex:  IFAD is dedicated to eradicating rural poverty in developing countries. दरिद्राण Ex:  Temüjin and his family lived in poverty दलिहर Ex:  Malaria is commonly associated with poverty दालिद्र Ex:  Growing up in poverty in Bauru निधनता Ex:  Originally forced by poverty to be creative in finding foods प्रहाणि Ex:  ALthough poverty is widespread throughout the city बदहालि Ex:  Destruction and poverty struck Düsseldorf after the Napoleonic Wars. भेदबुद्धि Ex:  The current poverty of the region माढी Ex:  Over 20% of families in New Haven are below the poverty line. मिसकीनता Ex:   The Dominican economy has high poverty मुफलिसी Ex:  Estimates of the statewide poverty rate range from 12.71% to as high as 36%. मुहताजी Ex:  Africa's current poverty is rooted, in part, in its history. मोहताजी Ex:  This poverty has widespread effects रंकता Ex:  Other effects of poverty have similar consequences. विधनता Ex:  Many attempts at solving Africa's poverty have been attempted व्युद्धि Ex:    In that survey, Puerto Ricans had a 48.2% poverty rate. हापन Ex:  In 2004–2005, 27.5% of the population was living below the poverty line.
Other : अभाय Ex:  There are lot of poverty stricken families in India. कार्पण्य Ex:  The neighborhood reeks of poverty . ग़रीबी Ex:  During those years the economy grew strongly and poverty declined . उ:   इन अध्ययनों में से एक में पाया गया कि व्यष्टि-वित्त से ग़रीबी कम हुई। तंगी Ex:  Newark blacks left poverty in the South to find poverty in the North. दरिद्र Ex:  This group of people suffers most from poverty in Tajikistan. दरिद्रता Ex:  Expressing his interest in reducing poverty in 2008 दारिद्रय Ex:  Malaria is not just a disease commonly associated with poverty दिरिद्रता Ex:  13.2% of the population is below the poverty line. दीनता Ex:  Kolkata continues to struggle with urbanisation problems like poverty उ:   अशन-वसन से हीन, दीनता में जीवन धरनेवाले। निर्धनता Ex:  12.3% or 13.3% of Americans were below the federally designated poverty line. उ:   इनके अंतिम दिन निर्धनता में बीतने लगे। निर्धर्नता Ex:  Dickens's own family was sent to prison for poverty
Poverty ki paribhasha : duःkh se utpann adhinata ka bhaav aadhunik naiyaayikon ke mat ke anusaar vaisheshik shaastr men saatavaaan padaarth
Usage of Poverty in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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