Practised meaning in hindi
As noun : अभ्यस्त Ex:  Witchcraft was practised in the 18th century. उ: अनेक जलीय जीव स्थिर जल में जीवनयापन के अभ्यस्त हैं।
व्यायत Ex:  Farming is practised in various ways across the world . शीलित शीली सात्मीकृत
As verb : आढ़ Ex:  Other faiths practised are Buddhism कुशल Ex:  Maankombukkalai and Kalarippayattu, are practised in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. उ: हल्बा कुशल कृषक होते हैं। कृतकर्मा Ex:  Other religions practised includeBuddhism,Judaism, Islamand Protestantism. कृतहस्त Ex:  After completion of his training, Mountfort practised architecture in London. कृतागम Ex:  Four lines of verse practised by Arabian and Persian poets. क्षिप्रकर Ex:  A short musical lyric practised by Korean poets. चाबुकदस्त Ex:  There are also non-Christian religions practised in the country such as Islam प्रतिपत्तिविशारद् Ex:  Various other religions are practised as well. युक्तिमान् Ex:  This technique had been in practised since the late Bronze Age. वचस Ex:  The main religions practised in Marseille are Catholicism वेदिता Ex:  Patel practised law in Godhra शीलित शौंडि सामग्य सौस्थय स्वाप्त हस्तवत्
Other : अभ्यसित Ex:  The N.C.C.cadets have practised rifle drill. अभ्यासी Ex:  Voodoo is practised in some places आचरित Ex:  Religions practised on Christmas Island include Buddhism 75% रवाँ Ex:  Scoutcraft was not generally practised outside of the American Old West व्यवहृत Ex:  There is evidence that archery was practised during the Western Zhou Dynasty. उ: उनके भजनों में खड़ी बोली ही व्यवहृत हुई है।
ExamplesUsage of Practised in sentences
The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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