Praise meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Praise
As noun : Ex:  She got rhapsodies of praise for her performance.
कीर्ति Ex:  2005 to wide international praise because उ:   इससे उनकी कीर्ति चारों ओर फैली। क्रित्य Ex:  "Some warm praise from Hume overpaid the labour of ten years". गुणकथन Ex:  Therefore… always seek to praise God. गुणकीर्तन Ex:  He does not praise all of Asimov's fiction गुणगान Ex:  Christianity has been a source of both praise and criticism for capitalism उ:   अधिसंख्य प्राचीन कजरियों में शक्तिस्वरूपा देवी का ही गुणगान मिलता है। तहसीन Ex:  He said that "But to leave all declamatory speeches in praise of divine music धंग Ex:  A critical sprinkled with some praise, some praise Melee प्रशसन Ex:  Exalt by large praise रुसनाई Ex:  I heard your praise to वनस् Ex:  I praise your exactitude विकत्था Ex:  Insatiable honors, wealth, praise विरदैत Ex:  It can be said in his praise that श्रीकाम Ex:  It is quite simple praise श्लाघा Ex:  It was great praise of him समीची Ex:  Provide praise सराहना करना Ex:  Receiving compliments, praise, praise सराहना Ex:  rise high praise by उ:   दिल्ली की जनता ने उनके चिकित्सा कार्य की सराहना की। सलोकं Ex:  Speech in praise of someone or something सिफति Ex:  The pompous eulogies, Very high praise सुसबद Ex:  The praise of Bossuet, Racine स्ताव Ex:  The simple enumeration its enough to work his praise स्तुत्ति Ex:  Turn someone's praise स्वेतरंगी Ex:  We dare praise in his presence, for fear of hurting her Modesty
As verb : अभिनंद Ex:  Extravagant praise अभिनंद Ex:  Extravagant praise अभिवंदना Ex:  His teachers are full of praise for his work. अभिवंदना Ex:  His teachers are full of praise for his work. आंगूष Ex:  Don't heap too much praise on her . इडा Ex:  Greater praise was given by the same paper to Felicity's First Season ईडा़ Ex:  276 Pedersen T1 rifle, giving it high praise . ईडा़ Ex:  276 Pedersen T1 rifle, giving it high praise . उपवाक Ex:  Gauss wrote to Farkas Bolyai: "To praise it would amount to praising myself. उस्तति Ex:  She received overall critical praise for her performances. गुणकथन Ex:  Therefore… always seek to praise God. गुणकीर्तन Ex:  He does not praise all of Asimov's fiction गुमगाथा Ex:  But others praise the gradual growth of the private sector गूर्ति Ex:  The re-release rewarded The JAMs not just with further praise चर्कृति Ex:  In light of Evita's often verbose praise for her husband तँवाना Ex:  The book received its strongest praise from Ralph Waldo Emerson तहसीन Ex:  He said that "But to leave all declamatory speeches in praise of divine music थुति Ex:  His lyrics were a mixture of improvised praise and passages from the Quran नांत्र Ex:  Academic praise नांत्र Ex:  Academic praise पसंसना ‡ Ex:  Bridging praise पांसुचामर Ex:  By claiming the blame, you are his praise पांसुचामर Ex:  By claiming the blame, you are his praise प्रभत ‡ Ex:  Eager for praise प्रशंसा करना Ex:  Earning, attracting praise प्रशंसा Ex:  exaggerated praise उ:   सारे विश्व में उनके लेखों की प्रशंसा की गयी। प्रसंसा Ex:  excessive praise उ:   जिसके वजह से उसके विरोधियों भी उसके इस शैली क़ो प्रसंसा करती थी। प्रसस Ex:  Flatter passions, whims, likes someone, Luxuriate passions, whims, to someone's tastes , give them its approval, praise प्रस्तव Ex:  Good man said, in praise of a man full of righteousness, candor, affection प्रेयर Ex:  He said, figuratively and often somewhat ironically, excessive praise of बड़ाई Ex:  His praise came naturally was brought to this place of speech यज्य Ex:  Historical praise वस्फ Ex:  I was told to him all the good in the world, I was made his praise in every way वस्फ Ex:  I was told to him all the good in the world, I was made his praise in every way विकत्थन Ex:  Insatiable honors, wealth, praise विकत्था Ex:  Insatiable honors, wealth, praise विकत्था Ex:  Insatiable honors, wealth, praise विरूदावली Ex:  It does not care about your praise वृह Ex:  It is a model, says by way of praise and a sense of a superlative person who has great virtues, great qualities शंस Ex:  It is also said in that sense Reclining on praise on the good or bad someone qualities श्लाघन Ex:  It means, by extension and familiarly, all that is said to excess in praise of someone संताव Ex:  Leave someone praise संताव Ex:  Leave someone praise संपूजा Ex:  Making verses in praise of someone संपूजा Ex:  Making verses in praise of someone संशंसा Ex:  On behalf of this criticism, such praise are flattering संशब्दन Ex:  Pay a just tribute of praise सम्यीची Ex:  public speech made in praise of someone सम्यीची Ex:  public speech made in praise of someone साधुशब्द Ex:  The one, the one that praise सिफति Ex:  The pompous eulogies, Very high praise स्तवथ Ex:  The seasonings that give praise price स्ताव Ex:  The simple enumeration its enough to work his praise स्तुति करना Ex:  This also says things that make his praise स्तुति Ex:  This is a man worth his weight in gold said of a man whom we want to praise the good qualities उ:   मन्त्रों में देवताओं की स्तुति की गयी है। स्तुतिपद Ex:  This is above all praise स्तुतिवादक Ex:  This praise is so exaggerated that it seems like an epigram होत्रा Ex:  Who is full of praise
Other : अभिनंदन Ex:  he always appreciated praise for his work अभिवादन Ex:  Elegy is written in praise of people who are no more. उ:   ये अभिवादन के रूप में जय जिनेंद्र एवं जय तारण तरण कहते हैं। अर्थवाद Ex:  Lily loves basking in praise . तारीफ करना. Ex:  Richard III received the least critical praise at the time तारीफ करना Ex:  The Tale of a Tub attacks all who praise modernity over classical learning. तारीफ Ex:  As a work of modernist architecture the house evoked some high praise उ:   " दैनिक भास्कर ने पांच में से चार सितारे देते हुए फ़िल्म की तारीफ की। दाद Ex:  This new stance led to criticism and praise from the expected partisan sources. उ:   दाद जैसे कुछ रोग मुंह के माध्यम से संक्रमित हो सकते हैं। नामवरी Ex:  Brave boy, is said by praise Him who made something of which one is satisfied प्रंशसा Ex:  Cover someone flowers, abundant Give praise to him many compliments, either seriously or ironically बखान Ex:  He savored the sweetness of this praise उ:   भारतीय कवियों ने सदा इसकी सुंदरता का बखान किया है। बडाई करना Ex:  His conduct towards you deserves only praise बड़ाई करना Ex:  His memory is blessed We remember him and praise his acts of charity, virtues, etc यश गाना Ex:  Honor, celebrate with great praise शाबाशी Ex:  It is not honest to praise himself श्लोक Ex:  Kind Antique poem which was done on the occasion of a marriage and praise newlyweds उ:   इसमें ११,००० श्लोक और १६३ अध्याय हैं। स्तव Ex:  The praise outraged
Usage of Praise in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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