Precious stone meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Precious stone
As noun : मणि Ex:  He also said a precious stone which is usually a yellow reddish उ:   मणि का कोई एक निश्चित आकार नहीं होता।
Other : जवाहरात Ex:  Facetter a diamond, a precious stone नग Ex:  It also says a precious stone which is a kind of jasper उ:   इस नग का तापक्रम १ डिग्री सेल्सियस से ३५ डिग्री सेल्सियस तक होता है। बहुमूल्य रत्न Ex:  precious stone transparent, shiny yellow मूल्यवान रत्न रत्न उ:   लेकिन रत्न में प्रकट हुई महालक्ष्मी।
Precious stone ki paribhasha : kuchh vishisht chhote, chamakile, bahumooly padaartha, visheshataः khanij padaarth ya patthara, jinaka vyavahaar aabhooshanon aadi men jadne ke liye hota hai bahut se ya anek prakaar ke ratn aur mani aadi
Usage of Precious stone in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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