Precipitously meaning in hindi
As noun : अकुटिल Ex:  conditions that precipitously increase the birthrate
अकैतव Ex:  Graham's health declined precipitously as she abused alcohol to numb her pain. अजिह्म Ex:  It means, figuratively and familiarly To withdraw precipitously in any place to escape अनवह्वर अबक्र अविलष्ट पध्धर भोँदु सिधोसामान सीधा उ: आधार पर, कैरम गेंद सीधा यारा भी कर सकता िै। सूधा सौँझा
As adverb : खड़्
Precipitously ki paribhasha : anaaj jo braahman ya purohit aadi ko bhojanaarth diya jaata hai
ExamplesUsage of Precipitously in sentences
The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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