Precision meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Precision
As noun : तत्वता Ex:  Within the precision of the measurements
यथार्थता Ex:  A precision instrument उ:   इसे यथार्थता भी कहते हैं। यथार्थमापी Ex:  A precision weapon यथार्थ्य Ex:  Delete a gun for him give greater range and more precision वस्तुभान Ex:  Device for measuring with great precision small distances and small quantities सिदक Ex:  It still means in terms of Legislation, Amendments made to a bill, decree, to change someone One of its provisions, or only to give it more clarity, more precision सिदाकत Ex:  MINUTE takes often in conversation, for a short space of time n is not determined with precision सूक्ष्मतामापी Ex:  With careful precision हक्कानीयत
Other : अवितथ Ex:  Talking with precision is a difficult task. उम्दगी Ex:  This allows the atoms to be studied with great precision परिशुद्ध ता Ex:  The computer worked with 6-digit precision परिशुद्ध Ex:  In cases where little precision is required परिशुद्धता या यथार्थता Ex:  Physicists generally do not use the saying when precision is needed परिशुद्धता Ex:  Similar precision measurements will be made of other known particles उ:   गुणात्मक मॉडल अक्सर परिशुद्धता की कमी से पीड़ित हैं। परिशुद्धि Ex:  It has high precision प्रमितता Ex:  Larger airports sometimes offer precision approach radar प्रमिति Ex:  Observing the precision of his son’s technique यथायिता Ex:  Mathematicians refer to this precision of language and logic as "rigor". शुद्धता Ex:  Drawing stopped, also said a path Drawing with precision and firmness उ:   काव्य में शुद्धता को उन्होंने अपना मूल मंत्र बनाया। सुक्ष्मता Ex:  Navy Watch, watch precision for determining longitude at sea सुतथ्यता Ex:  This book is a model of precision सुनिश्चितता Ex:  This is a man who speaks, who writes with great precision सुस्पष्टता Ex:  To judge the precision of laws सूक्ष्म Ex:  Who is expressed with clarity and above all a perfect precision उ:   पाणिनि का व्याकरण संस्कृत भाषा का अत्यन्त सूक्ष्म विश्लेषण करता है।
Precision ki paribhasha : vah yathaarth gyaan jo pramaan dvaara praapt ho
Usage of Precision in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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