Preparation meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Preparation
As noun : अभ्यवहरण Ex:  the physician prescribed a commercial preparation of the medicine
अभ्यासकार्य Ex:  The compounds made by potassium are used as catalysts in preparation of alcohol. अर्द्धमात्रा Ex:  In preparation for their attack आमादगी Ex:  "It seemed there was preparation for Hurricane Floyd आशि Ex:  In preparation for responsible government कवलना Ex:  In preparation for the coming invasion of Mindoro खाधना Ex:  Several methods exist for the preparation of alcohols in the laboratory. खाना Ex:  A rather famous hot Sichuan preparation using firm Asian tofu is mápó dòufu . उ:   यहाँ खाना परोसने का विशेष प्रकार है। चित्या Ex:  Kilmer "frequently neglected to make any preparation for his speeches जग्ध Ex:  It soon failed due to lack of preparation जेँवना Ex:  Another step was the laboratory preparation of DDT by Othmer Zeidler in 1874 डड़ियाना Ex:  Many counseling preparation programs include a courses in human development. तयारी Ex:  In preparation for the 2008 Olympics उ:   दूसरी ओर राष्ट्रपती डेविड पाल्मर एक लाइव प्रसारण की तयारी कर रहे है। तैयार करना Ex:  Yinxi follows the formal sequence of preparation तैयारि Ex:  Other examples of such preparation include तैयारी Ex:  In preparation for the court battle ahead उ:   यहाँ पर वह काफी तैयारी के बाद भाषण किया करते थे। त्यारी Ex:  While Hitchcock did do a great deal of preparation for all his movies निपाना Ex:  These methods differ by: the preparation of the cannabis plant before use पाठो की तैयारी Ex:  A complete edition is now in preparation प्राणोपहार Ex:  2001 in preparation for the invasion of Afghanistan. प्राशु Ex:  During the preparation phase प्सा Ex:  Effective preparation is credited for the relatively low death toll of 312 प्सान Ex:  Alchemy was a preparation for chemistry बनवना ‡पु Ex:  Burnish steel means steel Give some preparation that makes it brown बनाना Ex:  Composer, without preparation and immediately, worms, an air of music, speeches, etc उ:   कच्ची खाल से तेलों के प्रयोग द्वारा चमड़ा बनाना प्राचीनतम प्रक्रम है। बनावना Ex:  Cooking liquid preparation made of oil, vinegar, white wine, salt, pepper, thyme, bay leaves, etc भछना Ex:  Core Water and elliptically core, Liquor in the preparation of which come cores भुंचना Ex:  Cosmetic preparation भोजनवृत्ति Ex:  Different manufactures preparation operations मसकाना Ex:  Doctors use in their formulas, various abbreviations to indicate the weight, measurements, preparation instructions etc मिस्कीट Ex:  Dress fish, poultry, The preparation for the Cooking रुपायन Ex:  industry that relates to the preparation of animal skins for various uses वल्मन Ex:  It also means the factory which makes this preparation is विनिर्मित पदार्थ Ex:  It also means the Place of a factory, a store where this preparation is to विष्वाण Ex:  It means, as feminine name, Part of hygiene which deals with the preparation of cosmetics व्यंजन Ex:  It means, by extension, without prior preparation Organize उ:   चेट्टीनाद व्यंजन पूरे दुनीया मैं प्रसिद्ध है। शरीरस्थिति Ex:  It was learned that he sad news without preparation शानशौंकत Ex:  Part of chemistry that deals with the preparation of salts सँजोऊ Ex:  Poix-resin, Burgundy pitch, yellow pitch, ordinary resin, or who suffered only simple preparation सन्नहन Ex:  Preparatory Judgment, He who is but a preparation for the final judgment, which tends to the clarification of some particular point, without prejudging the merits समाश Ex:  Science aimed composition and preparation of medicines सम्पाक Ex:  Suddenly, without preparation सरजाना Ex:  The above something and that serves as input and preparation साजबाज Ex:  The elementary mathematics and mathematical Special, the latter for the preparation of large schools सारति Ex:  The preparation of a conference, a lesson
Other : आयोजन Ex:  Many hours of preparation and strategizing उ:   अनेक पर्वो पर यहां मेले का आयोजन होता रहता है। उपक्रम Ex:  In food preparation microorganisms are reduced by preservation methods उ:   यह डिज्नी इंडिया का ही एक उपक्रम है। औषधि मिश्रण Ex:  Good ground preparation निर्मित Ex:  It is an offensive shot used to take preparation time away from the opponent. उ:   कपास से निर्मित वस्त्र सूती वस्त्र कहलाते है। निर्मिति Ex:  Each had elections in 1961 in preparation for independence. पदार्थ Ex:  Exemptions include most food items for at-home preparation उ:   यह मदकारी पदार्थ है। प्रस्तुति Ex:  Melted butter plays an important role in the preparation of sauces उ:   भास उसे प्रस्तावना, प्रस्तुति और समापन-तीनों का नियामक मानते हैं। बनाई हुई दवा Ex:  Chemical preparation which has the property म्पाक Ex:  In terms of chemistry, Electroplating, Painting, Photography, it means liquid preparation in which plunges a body
Preparation ki paribhasha : kisi kaary ko aarnbh karane ke pahale ka aayojan kisi kaary ke liye saadhan svaroop aavashyak vastuean taratib ya kram se rakhana vah jisaka koi naam ho aur jisaka gyaan praapt kiya ja sake chaarapaai, toshaka, chaadar aadi ve saamaan jo kisi ke marane par usake uddeshy se mahaapaatr ko diye jaate hain aalamaari, mej ya sndook aadi men chijen rakhane ke liye patariyon ya takhton ke dvaara kiya hua vibhaag vyakt ya prakat karane athava hone ki kriya
Usage of Preparation in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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