Prepared meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Prepared
As verb : उपल्पित Ex:  The programme showed gastronomically prepared food.
उपसंस्कृत Ex:  Rama prepared toasts for breakfast. कटिबद्ध Ex:  I wrote a book and prepared for the press. तैयार किया हुआ Ex:  Beef fondue was prepared yesterday. तैयार Ex:  The Colorado experiments prepared Tesla for his next project उ:   बेराइट से सफेद वर्णक तैयार किया जाता है। पाणिगृहीत Ex:  A relatively recent development is the prepared piano बद्धपरिकर Ex:  Potatoes are prepared in many ways: skin-on or peeled बना बनाया Ex:  For mass-consumption and commercially prepared products they must be peeled मुहैया Ex:  No fewer than 50 pitchers of it were prepared for the emperor each day मौजूद Ex:  ’ and when men are prepared for it उ:   " जो कुछ उन्होंने किया होगा सब मौजूद पाएँगे। रैट Ex:  The seeds are sown in prepared beds सँजूत Ex:  VIII Corps prepared for and took part in Operation ''Aintree'' संभृत Ex:  A study of the so-called Bach Bible was prepared by Robin Leaver संयत्त Ex:  Vincent prepared for university हृष्टपुष्ट Ex:  Victories at Hamburg and Berlin prepared her for the French Open
Other : उठना Ex:  The cheff plucked and prepared the chicken to cook. उद्यत Ex:  Fizzy drinks are prepared by sodium bi carbonate. कृत Ex:  he was adequately prepared उ:   पुनि प्रभु पंचवटीं कृत बासा। निर्मित Ex:  The General Accounting Office prepared a report in 1999 उ:   इसी से लसपर्व तथा टॉन्सिल आदि निर्मित हैं। विरचित Ex:  Great kraals were also prepared for the promised cattle उ:   यह महाकाव्य १५ सर्गों और १२७९ पदों में विरचित है।
Prepared ki paribhasha : jo koi kaam karane ke liye taiyaar ho jo kaam men aane ke liye bilakul upayukt ho gaya ho
Usage of Prepared in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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