Prescribe meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Prescribe
As noun : नुस्खा लिखना Ex:  It also said the action of Physicians and Surgeons of a hospital, when they roam the halls, accompanied by their students to see patients and prescribe treatment
As verb :
निर्धारित करना Ex:  If prescribe a life settlement
Other : आज्ञा देना Ex:  Congress had delegated to the courts the power to prescribe judicial procedure आदेश करना Ex:  The Rules of the Senate prescribe time limits for speeches. आदेश देना Ex:  It will prescribe for every one where they are to work नियत करना Ex:  The Standing Orders of the House of Commons prescribe time limits for speeches. नियुक्त करना Ex:  Giving prescribe rules निर्धारण करना Ex:  If a task prescribe नुसखा लिखना Ex:  If prescribe terminals बतलाना Ex:  It is still used to mean absolutely Set prescribe decide विनिधान करना Ex:  prescribe विहित करना Ex:  The rights of minors prescribe Point व्यवस्था करना Ex:  Those who have never prescribe for others
Usage of Prescribe in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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