Pretty meaning in hindi
As adjective : मनोज्ञ Ex:  Who is so pretty
मनोहर Ex:  With all his trinkets, she feels pretty उ: इस मन्दिर से चबूतरे से यमुना का नजारा अत्यन्त ही मनोहर हैं। मनोह्लादो Ex:  You stand there with pretty speeches
As adverb : अंदधुंध Ex:  The gift was done up in pretty red paper अगाधरुधिर Ex:  consciousness during wakefulness in a sane person is pretty well ordered and familiar अगाधा Ex:  He lost his job for being late once ,he got a pretty raw deal. अच्छा Ex:  She is a pretty looking maiden. उ: फिल्म ने बॉक्स ऑफिस पर अच्छा कारोबार किया था। अच्छाबिच्छा Ex:  Things have been breaking pretty well for us in the past few months अतिशयित Ex:  Cricket is a pretty bruising game. अतिशायी Ex:  a woman with her head full of curlers is not a pretty sight अतें Ex:  Her sister is a pretty colleen. अत्यधिक Ex:  The young man began to sidle near the pretty girl sitting on the log उ: अत्यधिक मौद्रिक तरलता इसका मुख्य कारण है। अध्यारुढ Ex:  Bela looks pretty with the nose-ring. अनगन० Ex:  i think ramesh was pretty baked last night. अपोच Ex:  She looks pretty in that maurve chess. अबेश Ex:  Tanya was looking so pretty at the party. अमाम Ex:  She is looking pretty in culottes अमोगाँ Ex:  The girl looks pretty with a curl अल्पेतर Ex:  We were pretty sick about losing the match. आभिरामिक Ex:  She looks pretty because of her ice-blue eyes. उत्कृष्ट Ex:  It's a pretty fur piece to the nearest big town . उ: इनका सार्वजनिक जीवन उत्कृष्ट था। उर्वरित Ex:  I have to go home and hit the hay pretty soon . उल्बण Ex:  I think I'm going to poop out pretty soon . कमनीय Ex:  Let's try to pretty up this room . उ: काव्य कला कमनीय दिवाकर अमर कर गये नाम। कमोला Ex:  I'm going to have to stop pretty soon for a rest . करीबन Ex:  Sally is pretty wrapped up in herself . कवनी Ex:  I was in a pretty bad state . कूब Ex:  "I was always pretty religious as a kid . खासा Ex:  58% being pretty happy and 12% were not too happy . उ: साथ ही पर्यटन की दृष्टि से भी इसका खासा महत्व है। खुब Ex:  Watterson states, "It's pretty simple: you make up the rules as you go". घने Ex:  "I feel pretty good," Sampras told Korean television after the match. उ: यह बांध वलपरई जाने वाले मार्ग पर घने जंगल में स्थित है। घनेरे Ex:  "after a lifetime of riding pretty tall in the saddle". चहेना Ex:  "He's actually rapping pretty good on it चितचोर Ex:  Wellington's age structure matches the national average pretty closely. चित्रीकरण, चित्रीकार Ex:  A pretty romance जाजा Ex:  A pretty sight जीवधन Ex:  A pretty villa जीवनधन Ex:  A pretty woman जोष्य Ex:  Beautiful, pretty quenottes दिलरूबा Ex:  Cooking container for cooking turbot, which is pretty close to the shape of this fish धकाधक Ex:  Having a big mouth, a pretty mouth ननुआ Ex:  Having pretty eyes निक Ex:  He just got a pretty nice position नोनो Ex:  Here you are handsome, pretty boy! Fig परिगाढ Ex:  In bits and pieces, he made a pretty fortune पिअरवा ‡ Ex:  It is a beautiful boy, a pretty boy पुदुगल Ex:  It is less pretty than her sister प्यारा Ex:  It it also called Bois pretty and Laurel female उ: भारतवर्ष के हिंदी साहित्य के इतिहास का बहुत प्यारा पन्ना थीं। प्रगुण्य Ex:  It shows pretty what esteem he has for you प्राणकांत Ex:  It's a pretty boy प्राणधन Ex:  It's pretty good fellow प्राणनाथ Ex:  It's pretty silly प्राणपति Ex:  Make pretty verses, a pretty song प्रियपात्र Ex:  Now you are all wet, you're in a pretty state प्रीऊ Ex:  pretty generally observed that प्सुर Ex:  quality which is pretty फाइन Ex:  She is more pretty than beautiful बंहिष्ठ Ex:  Some buildings disfigure a pretty site बलीयस् Ex:  Species Botanical spirea with fragrant flowers, pretty common in our countryside and that otherwise named Queen of the meadows बहीय Ex:  substantively, Beauty is above the pretty बहुत Ex:  That's a pretty poupard, a beautiful poupard, a big poupard उ: स्वर्ण मंदिर बहुत ही खूबसूरत है। बहुत्त Ex:  The beautiful thing! There are a thousand pretty things in this book बहुमुख Ex:  The embossment of the velvet is not pretty बहोत Ex:  The printing of this book is pretty neat, though there are a few mistakes par- Here and there बोहला Ex:  There has at the end of this poem a very pretty sending बोहोत Ex:  This bad news has put in a pretty state बौत Ex:  This girl has a pretty face, a pretty little face भाउन Ex:  This is a child of a pretty face भूयः Ex:  This is a coquetry so that people who have a pretty voices are praying to sing भूरिशः Ex:  This is a pretty nice amount भूरी Ex:  This lady has written a very pretty novel मनभावता Ex:  This stuff is pretty design मनमानिब ‡ Ex:  This topic seems pretty dramatic मनमोहन Ex:  This woman is very pretty महत Ex:  , Make pretty heart, Make the pleasant मायोभव Ex:  , This is a gem, a real gem, is said of a pretty house or a small book completed its kind and gently worked मुन्ना Ex:  A poor, a pretty manor मुबारक Ex:  It has a pretty face लगभग उ: राज्य में लगभग लंबे राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग बने हैं। लड़ता लतीफ ललित, लाड़लड़ैता लावण्यवती वपुष वस्य विस्तरता व्हाला श्लाघित सजाना सजु सत्कला सम्मुग्ध सरीहनीय सलून सलूनों सलोना साझना सातिशय साधुमत् साफ सुथरा सालुल सिंगारना, सिँगारना सुक्रय सुन्दर उ: यहाँ कई सुन्दर सरोवर हैं, जैसे डल, वुलर और नगीन। सुपेशस् सुविस्तर सौँधी स्तुषेय्य स्नेहपात्र स्फिर हरचंद हलब्बी ‡
Other : ओछा Ex:  Their new house is pretty as a picture . काफी Ex:  I think Warren was gorgeous, very pretty but Al's face is like whoa. उ: इसका इतिहास काफी पुराना है। नमकीन Ex:  He came pretty early उ: आम तौर पर, नमकीन इंदौर में प्रमुखता से परोसा जाता है। बढिया Ex:  Some ways pretty उ: कहानी के साथ-साथ एलिज़ाबेथ भी एक बढिया लुटेरे में बदल जाती है। भव्य Ex:  This happens pretty उ: उसने उस समय अनेक भव्य भवनों का निर्माण करवाया। मंजु Ex:  This lawyer spoke pretty good, but it's a great gesticulateur मनोरम Ex:  Whoa ho! Hola! Who is here? It also means all beautiful, it's pretty उ: ये दोनों मूर्तियां बड़ी मनोरम है। रमणीक Ex:  It has done something pretty उ: राजस्थान के भरतपुर जिला का यह बड़ा रमणीक स्थल है। रमणीय उ: यह मंदिर अति रमणीय है तथा इस मंदिर का परिसर अति सुन्दर है। रम्य उ: इस भारतवर्ष में अनेकों ऊँचे-ऊँचे रम्य पर्वत तथा नद-नदी विद्यमान हैं। ललित उ: इस तरह साहित्य के साथ ललित कलाओं का विकास भी बहुत अधिक हुआ था। लोना उ: लोना प्राप्त करने के लिए कोई अतिरिक्त अंक नहीं दिया जाता है। सुंदर उ: सुंदर आम के बागों के बीच यह किला बसा है। सुकुमारता से सुखदायक सुचारु उ: जिससे आवश्यक प्रक्रिया का पालन कर कार्य सुचारु रूप से किया जा सके। सुठि सुन्दरता से सुरूप हसीन
Pretty ki paribhasha : kuchchh vishisht devata aur vyakti phalit jyotish men vah sthaan jo kisi grah ke uchch sthaan se saatavaaan ho praarthana ya aadesh ke uttar men prashn ke nahin svikratisoochak shabd jo parimaan men alp ya nyoon na ho raaja ki savaari ka ghod ya haathi ek snkar rog ka naam jo gauri, maarava aur trivan ke milane se bana hai
ExamplesUsage of Pretty in sentences
The word can be used as verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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