Prevent meaning in hindi
As verb : उत्तंभ Ex: Many lookouts are posted along the border to prevent smuggling.
ठेगनापु Ex: Terminator genes will prevent the new seeds . थमकाना Ex: This did not prevent her from being present at most councils and battles. प्रतिकार करना Ex: There is currently no vaccine that will prevent malaria प्रतिवार Ex: Edison waged a "War of Currents" to prevent AC from being adopted. प्रतिविघात Ex: To prevent future conflicts बचाना Ex: The Navy states that this is to prevent their ingesting harmful objects उ: कांट का प्रथम उद्देश्य विज्ञान को ह्यम के आक्रमण से बचाना था। मना करना Ex: This helps prevent clogging of the sandpaper. यमन Ex: There may need to be immediate intervention to prevent death रास्ता दीखाना Ex: The authorities initially tried to prevent this but later supplied bunks रोकथाम करना Ex: Several medications and vitamins may also help prevent prostate cancer. रोकना Ex: 1726 to prevent further incursions. उ: इन कोठरियों को बनाने का उद्देश्य बंदियों के आपसी मेल-जोल को रोकना था। व्य़ुत्थान Ex: After Fustat was destroyed in 1168/1169 to prevent its capture by the Crusaders संबरण Ex: In order to prevent these side-effects साँकड़ाना Ex: This treatment would not prevent further neuronal damage.
Other : आगे जाना Ex: He used sealant to prevent the leakage of pipes. निवारण करना Ex: D'Orleans ordered the city gates locked to prevent another battle निषेध करना Ex: Sparta attempted to prevent the reconstruction of the walls of Athens परावृत्त करना, रोकना Ex: These doors prevent suicides पूर्वनिवारण Ex: Methods used to prevent the spread of disease बरजना Ex: Since 1891, conservation efforts have been attempted to prevent extinction. बाधा डालना Ex: Olivia, to prevent creditors from gaining possession of them. रुकावट डालना Ex: In an effort to prevent overheating रूकावट Ex: George was able to prevent the appointment of politicians whom he detested .
Prevent ki paribhasha : aapatti ya kasht men na padne dena gati ka avarodh karana
ExamplesUsage of Prevent in sentences
The word can be used as verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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