Prince meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Prince
As noun : अर्थपति Ex:  Lord Ram was a prince in his childhood days.
अवनीपति Ex:  Fine gifts were bestowed on the visiting prince . असपत्ति, असपत्ती Ex:  The previous prince turned out to be a frog . इभ्य Ex:  The ruling prince Géza of the House of Árpád एकजन्मा Ex:  Sarah Bernhardt played the prince in her popular 1899 London production. Ex:  No prince or king led this part of the crusade उ:   द्वीप क सबसे उच्च बिंदु समुद्र तल से ३३ मीटर पर स्थित है। किबलाआलम Ex:  In 1927 a monument to the famous prince Stephen III of Moldavia कुंवर Ex:  It begins with the Pandava prince Arjuna उ:   कुंवर एक सिम्प्ल परिवार से है। क्राउन Ex:  The prince had already sought for French assistance on several occasions उ:   इस मामले की जांच-पड़ताल का काम लिवरपूल क्राउन कोर्ड के हाथ में चली गई। क्षत्रपति Ex:  With Llywelyn's death and his brother prince Dafydd's execution क्षमाभूक Ex:  For this purpose Genghis Khan invited a Khitan prince क्षितिप Ex:  753 BC by twin descendants of the Trojan prince Aeneas, Romulus and Remus. क्षितिपति Ex:  Rajaraja Chola's daughter married prince Vimaladitya. क्षोणीपति Ex:  The prince may veto laws adopted by the parliament. गुपिल Ex:  The prince can call referendums गोपति Ex:  753 BC by twin descendants of the Trojan prince Aeneas, Romulus and Remus. गोपीथ Ex:  The prince called this city Chanthabuly Si Sattanakhanahud गोभुक् Ex:  Yet I recognize that a prince can go to such excess गोभुज Ex:  It is unknown if the crown prince did this to spite his father चक्रवती Ex:  The weeping prince blew Katte a kiss and asked for forgiveness. चतुर्थभाज Ex:  Richard once praised Saladin as a great prince चारचक्षु Ex:  When the prince died shortly thereafter छत्रधर Ex:  Other possible meanings include "the prince of God" or "El fights/struggles". छितिकांत Ex:  The prince mistakes her for Odette छितिनाथ Ex:  Dharmamitra represents "Demetrius" or is an Indian prince with that name. छोनिप Ex:  The first documented Yuezhi prince जगीरदार Ex:  Hitler met in 1937 in Nuremberg prince Chichibu, a brother of emperor Hirohito. उ:   वह चंगभकर का जगीरदार बना जिसकी राजधानी भरतपुर था। जनधिनाथ Ex:  A great prince will live forever in the history जनेश् Ex:  A human prince जयपाल Ex:  A peaceful prince त्नप Ex:  A powerful prince थलपति Ex:  A prince glitzy दंडधार Ex:  A prince severe दंडनेता Ex:  A sovereign prince दंडप Ex:  Aristotle, the prince of philosophers देशाधीश Ex:  As prince of happy memory देसपति Ex:  Crowning a pope, a king, a prince देसाधिपति Ex:  dedicate his services to a prince धरणिधर Ex:  Demosthenes, the prince of Greek orators धरणीपति Ex:  Enclosed Field, Lice, closed place barriers in which two or more persons emptied once their differences by force of arms, with the permission of the prince or magistrate धरनिधनी Ex:  Exhibiting in the effigy of a public king, a prince who has just died धरपत्ती Ex:  From brilliant officers were following the prince धराधर Ex:  From such expenditures are appropriate for a prince and agree item to an individual, to a private individual, individuals धराधव Ex:  GENTILHOMME expressed once noble men who clung to some prince धराधिप Ex:  Grand Huntsman, one who commanded all vénerie a prince धराधिपति Ex:  Having ear, favor, the favor of the prince धरापति Ex:  He lost the favor of the prince धराभुक् Ex:  He was charged with the proxy as prince marry the princess नरंद Ex:  Historians do not have enough justice to this prince नरतात Ex:  Homer, the prince of poets नरत्राण Ex:  Hunting a prince to the throne नरदेव Ex:  In high places, Near to a sovereign, a prince or some important person on which depends the one in question नरनाथ Ex:  It also means the place of ordinary residence of an official and sovereign prince of a नरनायक Ex:  It also said the result that the prince was a criminal, handing him the trouble he had incurred following laws नरपति Ex:  It belongs to a prince to make a big expense if नरवई Ex:  It flatters to the whims of the prince नरशक्र Ex:  It formerly employed as a noun when speaking of the gentlemen who were in the house of the king or prince of the blood नायकाधिप Ex:  It is a prince who loves his subjects नृदेव Ex:  It is be too highly praised the patience of the prince नृदेवता Ex:  It is presented to the prince begging posture नृपति Ex:  It made great progress with the prince नृपसुत Ex:  It seeks to anchor itself to the prince पद्मलांछन Ex:  It was a pious prince and good परजापति, परजापति Ex:  It was all-powerful with the prince पासाह Ex:  Live like a lord, a prince पुथिवीशुक Ex:  Living under the laws of a prince पुरुषेंद्र Ex:  Louis institutions, the code of laws given by the prince पुहवै Ex:  Making honor to a general officer, an ambassador, a foreign prince पुहवोपति Ex:  Marriage of the left hand, Marriage contracts with a prince a woman from a lower state, to whom he gives in the wedding ceremony, the left hand instead of the right hand पृथिवीपति Ex:  Minister of a Muslim prince पृथीपति Ex:  monarch, sovereign prince of a state with the title of kingdom पृथ्वींद्र Ex:  mouth squire kitchen, Master Chef of a prince or nobleman पृथ्वीनाथ Ex:  Nothing approaches the grandeur and magnificence of the prince पृथ्वीपति Ex:  OBEY is People also said, provinces, cities which are subject to the authority of a prince of a state प्रजाप Ex:  Officer who was responsible for serving drinks to a deity, a king, a prince प्रजेश, प्रजेश्वर Ex:  Pertaining to a prince प्रिंस Ex:  PRINCIER also means Who is worthy of a prince उ:   इसका पूर्व नाम प्रिंस ऑफ वेल्स ज़ूलॉजिकल गार्डन है। बलिहृत् Ex:  Providence prince must extend all his subjects बादशाहजादा Ex:  Pulling the sword against her Prince To revolt against his prince बादिसाह Ex:  Relations multiplied under this prince भरंड Ex:  Secretary of the commandments of a prince भागभुज् Ex:  Send a prince ambassador to भुवनशासी Ex:  Sovereignty also means the quality and authority of a prince भुवपति Ex:  Speeches made at a meeting, a prince or some other person raised in dignity भूतविभु Ex:  Tel butler of the king was responsible for such treatment Ambassador to such a prince भूनेता Ex:  The ambassador made this prince a speech that was interpreted by French भूपति Ex:  The arms of the prince received an affront to this site भूभर्ता Ex:  The coins bear the image of the prince भूभुज् Ex:  The courtiers know accommodate their taste, their mood, their speeches to what pleases the prince भूभृत् Ex:  The death of this prince soon followed his dethronement भूमणि Ex:  The first prince of the blood भूमिप Ex:  The flatterers have lost prince भूमिपुरंदर Ex:  The prince accepted the dedication of the book भूमिभुज् Ex:  The prince arrived with the gentlemen his suite भूरमण Ex:  The prince carries in his quarters the arms of several kingdoms and several sovereignties भूव Ex:  The prince exiled to a distant city भूवल्लभ Ex:  The prince felt the need to make it popular, to show popular भूशक Ex:  The prince gave life, gave life, forgave life to this criminal, It prevented under its authority, that the judgment which condemned the criminal to death was executed भोप Ex:  The prince honors his friendship युवराज Ex:  The prince not having left an heir, the crown was devoted to his brother रसापति Ex:  The prince of plaques राजकुमार राजकुमारी Ex:  The prince of youth, the young prince of the imperial family, the emperor placed at the head of the son of senators, for the celebration of games Trojan राजकुमार Ex:  The prince regent उ:   राजकुमार जी सेना के संचालक भी थे। राजन्य Ex:  The prince turned his arms, his strength against such a state, he marched his troops from that side in order to carry the war राजपुत्र Ex:  The prince turned His arms, His strength contre Such a state, he OnD His troops from That Side in order to carry the war राजप्रेष्य Ex:  The prince wants to be obeyed राजा Ex:  The sciences and the arts or flourished flourished under the reign of this prince उ:   थाईलैंड में राजा को राम कहा जाता है। राज्यकर्ता Ex:  The value, liberality are the virtues that shone in this prince राज्यस्थायी Ex:  They say roughly in the same direction The prince began his reign by restoring good order in its states राट्, राट Ex:  This artist was called in France, at the court, for such a prince राष्ट्रगीप Ex:  This medal is in the image, carries the image of such a prince राष्ट्रभृत् Ex:  This prince already had twenty years of reign रैया Ex:  This prince did much for Science and the Arts लक्ष्मीनाथ Ex:  This prince had a very big yard लक्ष्मीपति Ex:  This prince had all the virtues required by the supreme rank लोकप, लोकपति Ex:  This prince had to love people the strengthening of its authority लोकरक्षक Ex:  This prince has expanded his nation लोकेश Ex:  This prince has expanded its strong statements वर्णगुरु Ex:  This prince held the little empire time वर्णगुरु Ex:  This prince held the little empire time वसुंधराधव Ex:  This prince is the love of his people वसुधाधिप Ex:  This prince is the restorer of letters, arts विनेता Ex:  This prince likes, cultivates, promotes, protects the letters विशपति Ex:  This prince lost part of his kingdom विशस्पति Ex:  This prince received the name great विशांपति Ex:  This prince received them, has celebrated, rewarded them with royal magnificence विषयाधिपति Ex:  This prince retained full authority until the end of his life विषयायी Ex:  This prince saw most of its provinces the power of the enemy शामन्त Ex:  This prince signaled his reign by शासानुशास Ex:  This prince triumphed over all his enemies श्रीपति Ex:  This prince was a just rewarder of virtue, of great deeds श्रेश्ठ Ex:  This prince was accustomed to being read a good book during his meal संपदूर Ex:  This prince was consecrated and enthroned सामन्त Ex:  This prince was in peaceful possession of its states उ:   सामन्त सेन सेन वंश का संस्थापक था। सिंघ ‡ Ex:  This prince was promoted to the empire सुपह Ex:  This prince was reigning laws, justice सुवर्णचक्रवर्ती Ex:  This victory served to strengthen the throne of the new prince सुविदत् Ex:  Thus ended the prince स्थपति Ex:  to influential Coterie the court of a prince स्वामिकार्य Ex:  to serve a prince
Other : कुँवर Ex:  Greek crown prince Constantine उ:   बस्नेत, पाण्डे, कुँवर और बिष्टके साथ ५ काजी परिवारमे आते हैं। नरेन्द्र Ex:  It has beautiful prince troops उ:   उस शिशु का नाम रखा गया नरेन्द्र प्रसाद सक्सेना। राव Ex:  This family owed its expansion to such a prince उ:   उसके बाद राव लूणकरण ने गद्दी संभाली।
Prince ki paribhasha : veshyaaon ki paribhaasha men vah vyakti jisaka kisi veshya se snbndh ho sanaka, sanndana, sanat aur sujaat aadi kai RRishi jo sada baalak hi rahate hain kisi desha, jaati ya jatye ka pradhaan shaasak jo us desha, jaati ya jatthe ko niyam se chalaataa, unamen shaanti rakhata tatha usaki aur usake svatvon ki, doosaron ke aakraman se, raksha karata hai raaja ka vah raajakumaar jo usake raajy ka uttaraadhikaari ho
Usage of Prince in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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