Principal meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Principal
As noun : अगिवाँण Ex:  The principal vested a student leader with authority
अग्रगण्य Ex:  He is the principal secretary to the exchequer. अग्रयायी Ex:  Our science teacher is reverred by the principal for her excellent teaching. अतिशायी Ex:  for a thousand years the Roman Catholic Church was the principal church of Christendom अनवरार्ध्य Ex:  When the principal posed a question to the student, he gave a pert reply. आर्डिनरी Ex:  the principal disbanded the political student organization खासादार Ex:  He was not selected as a principal of the college because he was a screwball. चीफ Ex:  The principal told the students about the seminar. उ:   २००८ में इन्हें फेसबुक का चीफ ऑपरेटिंग ऑफीसर बनाया गया। जडैल Ex:  The principal wants to see you in the interval. टीकारो Ex:  The principal of "communal representation" देशमुख Ex:  The principal forms were the Trecento madrigal, the caccia, and the ballata. नी Ex:  The principal designers were Theodore H. Eickhoff परचाधारी Ex:  The Cloisters was a principal project of John D. Rockefeller, Jr. प्रधान Ex:  Turin is home to one of Italy's principal national newspapers उ:   भारत कृषि प्रधान देश है। प्रधानाचार्य Ex:  In 1622, Richelieu was elected the proviseur or principal of the Sorbonne. उ:   इसकी वे प्रधानाचार्य एवं कुलपति भी रहीं। प्रभावन Ex:  The principal languages were Darug , Dharawal and Guringai. प्रभावन Ex:  The principal languages were Darug , Dharawal and Guringai. प्रमुख कलाकारअ Ex:  The principal soluble carbohydrates प्रमुख Ex:  Henry VIII used it as his principal residence. उ:   सिन्धु यहाँ की प्रमुख नदी है। प्रवेक Ex:  The principal ones are the First Committee of the General Assembly प्राचार्य Ex:  It is divided into several principal galleries or museums detailed below. उ:   १८४८ ई० में लाइपजिंग में रोमन विधि का प्राचार्य नियुक्त हुआ। प्रिंसिपल Ex:  Each of the four principal mouths उ:   यह मैच्योरिटी होने पर निवेशक को प्रिंसिपल अमाउंट अदा करते हैं। मखदूम Ex:  Tennessee features six principal physiographic regions: the Blue Ridge मालक ‡ Ex:  They also state that two of the three principal Judaic terms for God मालिक Ex:  Its principal ones are geographical and political. उ:   किलर जींस ग्रुप के मालिक भी यहीं के निवासी है। मुख Ex:  All life on Earth is made up of the principal elements उ:   यह अपने मुख द्वारा अपनी पूछ को काटता है। मुखर Ex:  Actiacus was his epithet in Actium, one of the principal places of his worship. उ:   उनके आरम्भिक काम में तंत्र-चित्रों की सम्वेदना मुखर है। मुखिया Ex:  Its principal export industries are agriculture उ:   इस काम में उनकी सहायता गांव का मुखिया करता था, जो पाठी कहलाता था। मुख्य Ex:  There are six principal tours for women उ:   यहां का मुख्य आकर्षण गोमतेश्वर/ बाहुबली स्तंभ है। मूल Ex:  Bath's principal industry is tourism उ:   इस संगीत का मूल स्रोत वेदों को माना जाता है। मूलप्रकृति Ex:  1985 Principal Spittle is the principal at Calvin's school. मूलवर्ती Ex:  The city's principal theatre company मूलिक Ex:  Shiva is one of the principal deities of Hinduism. मौला Ex:  The principal tributaries on the Tideway include the rivers Brent मौलिक Ex:  Eventually Britain became the principal power and by 1815 dominated the area. उ:   तानसेन मौलिक कलाकार थे। मौलिमनि Ex:  Puerto Rico's principal export, brought increasing revenues to the island. शिखामणि Ex:  Dar es Salaam remains the principal commercial city. सारगुण Ex:  The focal points of the principal façade are the three central balconies साररुप Ex:  Vaccarini's principal façade to Catania's cathedral सार्थभृत् Ex:  Not only was he the principal composer for Sergei Diaghilev's Ballets Russes सिरताज Ex:  The principal importers are the CIS सुप्रीम कोर्ट Ex:  Kerala's principal religions are Hinduism , Islam , and Christianity . स्थपति Ex:  The principal languages of publication are Malayalam and English.
Other : आगिल Ex:  The principal of the insititution is very popular among the members. आचार्य Ex:  My mother had a two-year stint as a principal in a school. उ:   उस यज्ञ के ऋतिज आचार्य होता थे। कालिज का अध्यक्ष Ex:  The principal gave away the prizes to the winners. प्रिन्सिपल Ex:  Of the principal polities within Wales मुख्य प्रधान प्राचार्य Ex:  The principal government military research institution मूल धन Ex:  The principal components of the milk are fucosyllactose and saialyllactose मूलधन Ex:  The Privy Council is one of the four principal councils of the Sovereign. सब से आवश्यक या महत्त्वपूर्ण Ex:  Uganda's principal export. सिद्धान्त Ex:  Two principal varieties are used उ:   इस सिद्धान्त का प्रतिपादन होवार्टी महोदय ने किया।
Principal ki paribhasha : vah jisake haath men kisi nagara, praant ya dekh aadi ki raajakiy vyavastha ho vah jo kisi kaam men sab se aage ho janata ko kisi or pravratt karane ka adhikaar ya prabhaav rakhanevaala purush shastr chhodne se poorv use abhimntrit karane ka ek mntr veshyaaon ki paribhaasha men vah vyakti jisaka kisi veshya se snbndh ho vah asal dhan jo kisi vyaapaar men lagaaya jaay vah jo mukhy ya pradhaan ho adhyaaya, parichchhed aadi ka aarnbh
Usage of Principal in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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