Probability meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Probability
As noun : प्रायिकता Ex:  In probability and statistics उ:   नाभिकीय प्रायिकता क्षेत्र को σ से निरुपित किया जाता है।
शक्यता Ex:  But in all probability शक्यत्व Ex:  The Drake equation has been used to estimate the probability of life elsewhere संभाव्यता Ex:  Theology of the probability or probable opinions उ:   संभाव्यता के आधार होते हैं। सम्भावना Ex:  There are some doctors who follow the doctrine of probability उ:   बालक की मृत्यु की सम्भावना थी। सम्भाविकी Ex:  What you did not advance probability, lack of probability, probability is not सम्भाव्यता Ex:  Who has two kinds of point probability
Other : प्रायिकता{गणित} Ex:  The probability of winning k times out of a million trials is संभावना Ex:  It still means likelihood, probability उ:   इस नगरी के बैरांट में होने की संभावना भी है। होनहारी Ex:  I see no probability
Usage of Probability in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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