Prodigious meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Prodigious
As noun : अनिष्टसूचक Ex:  Buddhist scholars have produced a prodigious quantity of intellectual theories
As adjective :
अघोर Ex:  A prodigious amount of money was spent in building this monument. अजीब वो गरीब Ex:  Michelangelo's output in every field during his long life was prodigious अति विशाल Ex:  Small insectivorous mammals eat prodigious amounts for their size. आश्चर्यजनक Ex:  A man of prodigious strength उ:   इन औषधियों में आश्चर्यजनक प्रभावशाली औषधीय गुण होता है। उदेजय Ex:  A prodigious event खुँखार Ex:  D ' prodigious गरेरुआ Ex:  Fabulous Bird Arab tales, which is supposed to be a strength and prodigious size दुर्निरीक्ष्य Ex:  Gold is capable of prodigious extension धुबे Ex:  He has a prodigious memory नाड़िंधम Ex:  immense Resources prodigious परोमात्र Ex:  In this prodigious elevation पुरहौल Ex:  It is a prodigious expenditure भंक Ex:  It still takes for Excessive prodigious भयंक Ex:  Size enormous, prodigious भयंकर Ex:  The effect of this remedy was prodigious उ:   इनकी भयंकर तपन से सम्पूर्ण जलराशि सूख जाती है। भयंद Ex:  There are in this country of sea turtles of prodigious size भीकर Ex:  These glasses produce a prodigious enlargement भैभान Ex:  They put in this desert island animals whose spread was prodigious भोषक Ex:  This event is prodigious रोमहर्षण Ex:  This is a man who has read point, which has no reading, which many reading, which is a prodigious reading ललजिह्व Ex:  This is prodigious वपुष Ex:  This writer, the painter has a great facility, a prodigious facility विरूपक Ex:  It is a prodigious difference between these two things विस्मयंगम विस्मापक विहावणी शंकुर हिंस्त्र हैरतअंगेंज
Other : अस्वाभाविक Ex:  Franklin was a prodigious inventor. विलक्षण उ:   मानव-मन में कवि की विलक्षण पैठ सर्वत्र दृष्‍टिगोचर होती है।
Prodigious ki paribhasha : vismayapurn ghatanaa, padaarth ya vastu jisaka doosara daavedaar na ho anisht ya ahit ki soochana denevaala jise dekhane se bhay lagata ho draavana
Usage of Prodigious in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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