Profession meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Profession
As noun : अक्दे Ex:  Each profession has its worries.
अभिसंधा Ex:  she was outstandingly successful in her profession आघोषण Ex:  He is very skillful in his profession कामधाम Ex:  my profession is engineering. खर्राती Ex:  This profession is art driven. घोषणा Ex:  He had still after five years not been very successful in his chosen profession उ:   जुलाई - अगस्त के महीने में घोषणा की जाती है। चाबुकसवारी Ex:  Those who study History as a profession are called historians. धंद Ex:  Although secular tertiaries make a public profession धंधा Ex:  Part of the architectural profession उ:   इनका मुख्य धंधा शिकार है। धिग्वाद Ex:  Baking was indeed a profitable profession in the old days . पेशा Ex:  A cursed profession उ:   और दोनो ही खेती और नौकरी पेशा लोग हैं। प्रतज्ञित Ex:  A man skilled in his profession प्रवाचन Ex:  A religious, religious profession can not do at a certain age प्रोक्लेमेशन Ex:  Aging under the harness, Aging in the profession of arms or, by extension, in any profession रोजागार Ex:  An infamous profession रोजागार Ex:  An infamous profession वअन Ex:  Blanch, under the old armor also means Aging in any profession वचन Ex:  By analogy, a veteran of the bar, a veteran of literature, a lawyer, an experienced writer who has grown old in his profession उ:   इसके बदले में भाई अपनी बहन को उपहार तथा रक्षा का वचन देता है। विकत्था Ex:  Choose a profession व्यापृति Ex:  Exercising a profession शंस Ex:  Follow a doctrine, opinion, Make profession of a doctrine, opinion शूद्रवृत्ति Ex:  Follow the profession of arms सत्यसंभव Ex:  Get on the theater, actor profession Select सिपाहगरी, सिपाहगिरी Ex:  He also said, figuratively, a Suite, a collection of portraits representing famous people who belong to the same profession in the same family at the same time स्वीकरण Ex:  He is particularly known as one whose profession is to manufacture by distilling all kinds of water, oils, essences, liqueurs, etc हिरफत Ex:  He is skilled in the profession he exercises
Other : धन्धा Ex:  Socrates took over the profession of stonemasonry from his father. वृत्ति Ex:  Do something, Not to be not idle, practice a profession or simply dealing उ:   वे धार्मिक वृत्ति के थे। व्यवसाय Ex:  Exercising a profession उ:   कृषि नगर का प्रमुख व्यवसाय है। संव्यवसाय Ex:  Follow the profession of arms
Profession ki paribhasha : vah kaary jisake dvaara jivikaanirvaah hota ho kisi pustak ke chhap jaane par usako sarvasaadhaaran men prachalit karane ka kaam vah kaary jisake dvaara kisi ki jivika ka nirvaah hota ho bhavishy men koi kartavy paalan karane, koi kaam karane ya na karane aadi ke snbnd men dradh nishchay .... svikrati ya praamaanikata do pakshon men honevaala vah jhagad jisaka phaisala adaalat se ho vah kaary jo manushy niyamit roop se apani jivika upaarjit karane ke liye karata ho manushy ke muanh se nikala hua saarthak shabd uchch svar se kisi baat ki soochana dhan ya jivika ke liye udyog
Usage of Profession in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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