Progress meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Progress
As noun : अँटना Ex:  he listened for the progress of the troops
अंठ Ex:  She is impeding the progress of our project अग्रसरना Ex:  One should progress in life in spite of hardships. अन्नगति Ex:  He appeared to be smug while taking his progress report. अविकाश Ex:  Measures for the progress of commonwealth has to be taken. उच्छ्रय उच्छ्राय Ex:  I can't seem to make any progress . उत्कर्ष Ex:  Bob's progress on his novel was slow but sure . उ:   जब चेरो राज्य उत्कर्ष पर था, पलामू एक अच्छी-खासी नगरी थी। खड़ना Ex:  Some of this progress was ancient but most occurred after 1900. In 1900 खाड़ेती Ex:  It has made progress in the fields of threefolds गच्छाना Ex:  Despite Vatican pessimism and a lack of visible progress गति Ex:  After two days of little progress उ:   नर्तकों के पैरों की गति नगाड़े की ताल पर चलती है। गवँन Ex:  It may theoretically be flown to indicate that a court-martial is in progress चरणचार Ex:  If the miners detected an enemy tunnel in progress चलना Ex:  2007 has halted progress of the pact in that body. उ:   पैदल चलना पूरी तरह से कायाकल्प कर सकता है। चल्लना Ex:  The ensuing Westminster House process made some progress जवनिमा Ex:  He was unable to make much progress initially टुरन Ex:  In spite of this progress ढाण Ex:  Substantial progress has been made but much work remains to be done. तायन Ex:  The progress of the novel follows the gradual success of that pursuit. तूर्णि Ex:  In the post-war era of progress पइस Ex:  They made little progress at first पदक्रम Ex:  Wollstonecraft celebrates domestic scenes and industrial progress in her text. पदविक्षेप Ex:  Tolstoy did not believe in Westernized progress and culture पादन्यास Ex:  But from 1930 onwards the Depression actually assisted the Shrine's progress प्रगति Ex:  Although progress has been made उ:   विपदाओं से जूझने मे अनेकांश में प्रगति की हे । प्रगमन Ex:  Throughout the month of April the ADFLC made consistent progress down the river उ:   आज कल प्रगमन बढवार, विकास और लगातार सुधार का अर्थ है। प्रच्चय Ex:  The French had also made progress प्रणिघान Ex:  Ebola may progress to cause more serious symptoms प्रफुल्ति Ex:  Despite significant economic progress प्रस्थावा Ex:  But the American Civil War slowed progress by shifting the nation's attention. प्राग्भार Ex:  Little practical progress has been made even though research is happening. प्राग्भाव Ex:  Due largely to the perceived lack of progress on the case by law enforcement फुलनि Ex:  Continued neuroscientific progress has helped to clarify some of these issues. रँह Ex:  Because his studies did not progress रँहति Ex:  Significant progress was made in the 1960s रफत Ex:  Another third progress to cirrhosis within 30 years. वस्क Ex:  While the euro has made substantial progress toward achieving these features विकास करना Ex:  Kazakhstan has made significant progress toward developing a market economy. विकास Ex:  Other African countries are making comparable progress उ:   जलविद्युत् का विकास खूब हुआ है। विप्रयाण Ex:  For India was not capable of progress without British help . वींखा Ex:  Nor was the period one of economic growth and progress . वेल्ल Ex:  Accelerate progress of civilization वेल्लित Ex:  BITE means colloquially Take a taste for study, are making progress व्याकोश, व्याकोष Ex:  Cynicism made great progress in the Greece व्युप्तत्ति Ex:  Decisions of old prior Distribution made before children sharing among the heirs of their father or mother, who had given inheritance in progress to some more than others शिगुफ्त, शिगुफ्तगी Ex:  Depopulation made alarming progress सँचरना Ex:  Entrance, progress on a path towards a goal संप्राप्ति Ex:  Hasten not, its progress Press उ:   कुछ कंपनियों को ब्याज, रॉयल्टी या अन्य शुल्क से संप्राप्ति होती है। सन्निवेश Ex:  However, ADVANCE says usually alone when it comes to the progress that is made in a job, a career समुच्छय Ex:  I will take care of your progress समुद्भेद Ex:  If SE DEVELOP means improving, keep making progress समेधन Ex:  I'm interested in the progress of this school स्राम्य Ex:  In terms of architecture, he says Marks placed on any part of a building to allow to see the progress of some damage, such as cracks, deflections, etc हालडोल Ex:  It also means Action to take care of fortune, someone's interest , promote the growth and progress of something हुलक Ex:  It also means Making progress into something
Other : अभिवृद्धि Ex:  The progress of the nation is lagging behind due to sectionalism. उ:   इससे उसकी महत्ता और प्रभुत्व में बड़ी अभिवृद्धि हुई। अभ्युत्थान Ex:  Solidarity is necessary for the progress of a country. अवस्था Ex:  people with will in their hearts can only achieve progress in their lives. उ:   इस अवस्था में ये पंत्तियाँ बहुत खाते हैं। आगे बढना Ex:  Let us focus on Fred and discuss his progress . उदय Ex:  Much progress has also been made in theoretical condensed matter physics. उ:   इसी तरह सूर्य + उदय = सूर्योदय भी गुणसन्धि है। उन्नति Ex:  In the 1960s progress revealed the dynastic records of Maya rulers. उ:   उन्नति के लिए सँभालकर, बचाकर रखा जाए। उन्नयन Ex:  Early technological progress owed much to the English firm of Broadwood उ:   इस अवधि में समवायों का संयुक्त रूप से उन्नयन होता रहा। उन्न्ती के पथ पर Ex:  This section of the work in progress marks a shift in Pound's work क्रियमाण Ex:  DMD mouse-model trials of the therapy are in progress प्रगति की ओर Ex:  Paraguay has made important progress toward greater fiscal transparency. बढती Ex:  Years later, Kentucky has shown progress बढ़ना Ex:  Polish negotiators made better progress with the Latvian Provisional Government विकास की ओर Ex:  Morgan viewed the technological progress as a force behind the social progress वृद्धि Ex:  But, progress on this front has been far from satisfactory . उ:   अंडे से निकलने के पश्चात्‌ ही वृद्धि आरंभ होती है।
Progress ki paribhasha : karm ke chaar bhedon men se ek ek sthaan se doosare sthaan par jaane ki kriya badhane ya adhik hone ki kriya ya bhaav baaans ki phattiyon, kaasa, mooanja, bent aadi ka bana hua tokara snkhyaa, vikalpa, praadhaanya, bal aur kaal ek sthaan se doosare sthaan par kramash jaane ki kriya shatarnj ya chausar aadi khelon men kisi mohare ya goti aadi ko apane sthaan se badhaana ya hataanaa, athava taash ya gnjiphe aadi khelon men kisi patte ko khel ke kaamon ke liye sab khelanevaalon ke saamane phenkana vah bhaashan jisamen koi achchha uttar diya gaya ho vistaar ya parimaan men adhik hona ek prakaar ki ghaas jo nichi bhoomi men hoti hai
Usage of Progress in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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